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A civil wrong is not a "civil right!"

                                                                                        Can we stand silent while churches are forced to perform "gay marriages" or go to jail, face lawsuits paid for with tithes?  Will you give our tax dollars to diviants who want us to support their addiction to sexual perversions?

I was truly "shocked" with the lack of participation, Memorial Day.  Please - join me 10/14/13

      The bottom line...     3  Important Reason's why,

     Christians Should  "Stand Straight  for Marriage"







May Jesus - have a few minutes of your time Please...

If every Christian Stands on the same day and Opposes Gay Marriage for the Right Reasons, Our God and Our Children.       Our Justice System could be moved Right where They Stand  to remember that  " Right IS Right "  and " Wrong IS Wrong. "  - Through a Massive Prayer        
effort we can begin to Rock America Solid once again.  Honor Brothers who have paid the Ultmate Sacrifice.  Join Me Christians...  - Fellowship with one another  on Columbus Day October 4, 2013 to Remember, to Stand, and to Pray!     Let Our God and Our Faith Shine.
   Honor​ GOD and the The Brave Soldiers who Sacrificed Their Lives to Defend The Moral Ideals of This Great United States.    1 Peter 2:9  But you are a choosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
Why Columbus Day?It is so Important to

 1 Timothy 6:12 

"Fight the Good Fight."

To learn more about getting involved with your church, to participate in this;

      COLUMBUS DAY 2013    

        "PRAYER SUMMIT"...


 click here


Leviticus 20:13   " If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surley be put to death: their blood shall surly be upon them. "    Can God's Will be made anymore clear ?  No!


I believe Your participation is going to make a difference because this issue is not being addresed by Prayer in the Christian Body  today as a Whole. God has influenced my heart to ask you, each Christian one by one.  To make a choice?  God does not live on the fence, he does not live in evil.  God is Good!  God is looking down on us and on our Children and he is judging us right now.

Mark 9:42 "But if you cause one of these little ones to who trusts in me to fall into sin,  it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to sin!  

God does require that we keep his laws, His Comandments.  Pray... Men, brothers, take your wife, your mother, your sisters and your friends to a place where all can see you.  Women, take your husband, your father, your brothers and your friends.  All Christians take all Christians, take your Church Leaders and your entire Church Bodies, and all our Loved Ones and Friends... 

Go out into the public and show the world that you, we, are not affraid...  That God is not afraid and that He IS in charge.  I feel so strongly in my heart that if we do this, every last Christian in America.  Who loves America!  Who loves God!  Stands up and joins each other, on the same day, with the same prayer.  A prayer of hope, a prayer of love, a prayer with faith in the Lord our God.  A prayer of Love for our Children, a prayer of Love for Ourselves, a prayer of Love for our Brothers and Sisters and a prayer, a song to our Faithful God.  That we will reap the fruits of our labor, some how, some way.

I beleive with all my heart that we will cause the earth to rumble and that we will strengthen those that have grown feeble in their faith.  That all who have ears to hear can hear  and will be reminded that we are a Great  and Good and Godly Bodiied Nation and that we do love good and that we do Love Our Lord and Our Children and that we do respect Ouselves and the sacrifices that have been made for us. 

It does not mean we can not care for others who have chosen unrightousness,  but after all, they have chosen not to care about Our Children and Our Lord.  It simply means that we do love Our God with all Our Hearts, and that right IS right and wrong IS wrong and that we want to wake up Our People, Our Government and the whole world who may think that nobody knows the difference anymore, because we do!    Praise God!

So join me and every Christian in America.  Every Christian in the World, where millions of our brothers have already shown us their strength and their faith.  Let's join together and do God's Will.

God will hear Our Prayers and so will Our Supreme Justices.  Search the many links on this site for  "your reason" and make a sign, carry a flag.  My Brothers and Sisters, I need your support to do whats right in Our Cuntry and for Our Children.  With Our Faith in the Lord, let's go out their and fellowship with Our Congregation, hold a potluck, walk into our Town Halls and our City Centers and pray, pray out loud, wave the banner you believe in, carry a sign your child makes, Love the Lord witl our Hearts and rock this Nation strong again.  Comit our Nation back to the Lord once more, and pray, pray, pray. Le t's fight for our country here at home like our brave sons and daughters in Our Militaries fight for our country.  For the Millions who have sacrificed their lives out of love for us.  Let us repay it and show our constitution here on Home Land.  Now more than ever we must fight for whats right!

How better to remember those who have paid with their blood, than to honor their cause.  The Great United States of America.  I believe we can begin anew, show our respect to our Lord and do His Will.  Respect your neighbors Son who sacrificed his life.  Honor The sacrifice of God and Jesus Christ.  We should never forget!

​2 Chronicles  7:14  "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my

face and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear their prayers from Heaven, and Iill forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Friends and Fellow Christians around the World - Please Help me make this a Sucsessful Prayer Day  by Gathering with Good PeoPle, Christians - Fellowshiping and carrying Your Message in Your Hand to Share with Your Community.   Pease reflect the Love of God and Righteousness of his Mightyness.  God will Persevere Over all else if we are Faithful and our Hearts remain True to Goodness.  FIght the Good Fight - God's Good People.  Honor Our Brave Sons and Daughters. Remind them We Stand Uited


Take your children and join your church in a creation of Beaytiful Sild Walk Art that everyone can participate in and enjoy...

Like God Childrens Art is Precious...

BANNER's to T-Shirt's...

Use positive media reflecting the true charecter of God and share a loving and positve message on you t-shirt by visiting your local printer...


Get out your marker and your paints and share your positive and rightous prayer with your community...

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