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         and Why





AIDs was sent by the anti-Christ Globalists, not God, to kill people.  Homosexuality spawned from Pediphilia, anti-Christ behavior, a tool to corrupt Godly  Humanity.

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   Columbus Day 2013      

            "Prayer Summit."

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       Christian Body "Prayer Sumit."

                      Columbus Day - 2013

"Studies show homosexuality is mimiced, the result of child abuse, by child abusers."

Amendment to the below existing story written in April 2013- Amended, August 2013


They Are Everywhere - GMO's -

Genetically-modified soy beans are being mass produced by agribusiness. They are ubiquitous in our commercial food supply, often without our noticing. There is no doubt genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are increasing in our GMO soy intake, or that our intake of estrogen-mimics has gone up with it. The question is how. "Estrogenesis" is not well understood yet. 


Brazilian experiments observed changes in the reproductive system of female rats that were fed GM soy; and those who ate regular soy did not manifest the same changes.


New studies suggest that these GMO's which make up more than 30% of the average persons diet.  Are high in hormones which are proving to destroy male and female repoductive organs and affecting the human body in permanant DNA altering ways... 


An equally troubling fact is that our soils and drinking water are saturated with these GMO's as well as all the medications consumed every day by people.  These toxins are not being filtered out of the drinking water because it is virtually impossible to rid them from the water using the current method of filtration system.  They are accumulating in our bodies, primarly in our livers, causing devestating illnesses.


Corrupt "Big Business", knowingly are re-wiring Human DNA and seem egar to continue doing so.  Even though they knew long ago the results of their practice's.


You have to ask yourself just how long were going to allow Diviant's to destroy "Good Humanity." 


Officially - I am including "DNA altering by GMO's" to my reasoning behind the behavior of "Homosexuality."  Previously I attributed homosexuality to child abuse and really, this is another form of child ause of an even more sinister nature.


Note: These above paragraphs are written as an Amendment (August 2013)

to original Aricle written (April 2013.)





Original Article writen April 2013.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


One of the most potentially devastating movements to evolve from the (negative) environment of human degeneracy in recent decades is the so-called “Gay Movement.” The homosexual “lifestyle,” with considerable support from the  entertainment industry, and significant publicity from the news media, is a growing phenomenon.  I believe it's growing because the anti-Christ influence is growing.

No longer content to practice their perversion behind closed doors, homosexuals have moved into the mainstream of society and are flaunting immorality in the most extravagant ways imaginable. "The Agenda" has no limits.

The Agenda is demanding full “human rights” which, according to the homosexual society, include the right to hold influential governmental positions, the right to teach in schools, the right to “marry,” and the right not to be “discriminated against” in any job or corner of the world. Churches and private businesses have been forced to acknowledge “civil unions.” Forcing churches, under penalty of fines and jail to perform sodomite marriages, “to bend to the anti-Christ” Forcing tax paying business’s to pay out of their pocket for homosexuals health care.​ 

The very fact that so many within our country have taken a tolerant—even sympathetic—view of this perverted movement, ought to be a danger signal to every moral-minded person in the United States.

In writing this statement, I write with tears in my eyes. It is not my intention to defame or disparage anyone. I am certainly not moved by personal hatred against any individual, it is just the opposite. I am intellectually opposing individuals or organizations promoting the homosexual, or any negative agenda. My only intent is the defense of good, traditional marriage, the family, and the precious remnants of Christian civilization. To preserve the value of what is right is right, and to stand up and say what's wrong, IS wrong.

As Christians, we are instructed to pray for those who struggle against unrelenting and violent temptation to homosexual sin. God says, Love your neighbor as you love yourself."​ God says teach righteousness through Love as Jesus did. Love one another so that we might encourage them to do whats right and good. In Mathew 18:2 Jesus calls a child to him and seats him among them... “ Who so ever causes one on these little ones to sin, it would be better if you tied a mile stone around your neck and you sank to the bottom of the sea.” Concerning me very deeply is homosexuality’s perpetuation of Child Abuse. I’m qualified to say so because I lived the walk so I can talk the talk.

When I was 14 years old my parents announced they were getting divorced. With-in one week my entire family moved out of my home - all moving in a different direction. With-in a week I was left living completely alone, for the rest of my life. My mother had always told me I was a (negative) this or that, up to that point (because she said my father loved me most - a fallacy - my father loved someone else, her agony was not caused by me but by a husband who neglected her.) Me and my brother suffered some of the worst of it, not to mention my own children's devastating heartaches from a weak family structure.


I was the child left in a house all alone from this point on.  A child to be preyed upon by every pedophile, abusive scum and gossip that knew I was alone. Neighbors, church deacons and opportunists came crawling out of the woodwork.


When I was 15 years old, visiting my mother for an Easter Holiday. My mothers boyfriend violated me and my mother beat me afterward for fleeing the house in the middle of the night. The following morning she felt like hot sauce in his breakfast eggs were punishment enough for him and he never paid for his crime. (later it was revealed that he had already served prison time for the rape of 2 other young girls) But, my parent did noting. In my life since age 14, neither parent has made much of an attempt to continue my growing up process, that which parents are suppose to nurture because it is necessary for healthy human development.

When I was living in the home alone, a child unprotected. I learned that some of my best friend’s, friends, who went to my high school, were gay. My high school friend and I began hanging out with male homosexuals because we could have fun around and be accepted by people who didn’t want to have sex with us. My friend and I were both girls. During this time all but one of my male homosexual friends told me they would give up their homosexuality to be in a relationship with me. It was all very confusing.

During this period of about 5 years (pre-1985, my age 15 - 20) many a homosexual male child (under age 18) I allowed to live in my vacant house when their parents kicked them out for being gay. During this time, I was also the pretend girlfriend at many a holiday or family dinner since I ceased spending holidays with my family for the obvious with my mother and because my father’s new wife has for the rest of eternity, uninvited me.  "I used her credit card to buy 2 concert tickets."

In this time, 1977 to 1984, I lived in San Francisco and spent time on Polk st. (The late 70's, 80's gay district in the city and the united states.) I spoke with probably 2000 gay males (there wasn’t a lot of homosexual females - at least they never approached me and I never really noticed any back in the late 70's. The popularity of female homosexuals became more of an issue as woman began being sent to prison by the ten's of thousands and lack of self confidence through humiliation of young girls as perpetuated in negative media, etc....)  Most of the gay males I had talked to had been molested as children, except a few of them who confided in me their Mother's were alcoholic's who raised them by herself.

Everyone of them cried out to me that living a homosexual lifestyle was painful and not an easy one. They were all living in the hell of a sinful lifestyle. A lifestyle created directly out of the actions of the worst child abuse imaginable. This argument in itself stands alone to oppose approving and encouraging homosexual lifestyle.  A more important argument is that this horrible nightmare of a crime is perpetuated by the most negative of forces and not of God.


In today’s world some who turn to homosexual relationships may not have suffered sexual molestation by the same sex but have been abused just the same in one form or another. Young people and people in general living in the world can be cruel. Most people don’t realize that everybody feels persecuted and an outcast these days. That’s the anti-Christ influence. Some feel they are unattractive to the opposite sex, some are just desperate to fit in anywhere. We as a whole are suffering from deep voids created by depleting family values, a lack of a caring, weakened Christian morals and a distracted society. We are living lifestyles that are depleted of important values.

I witnessed teen couples (I’m referring to 1 boy and 1 girl) who had run away from home and come to California in search of a better life, selling themselves for sex. More often than not it was the heterosexual teen boy who was prostituting himself. Yes, you herd me right. The heterosexual teen boy would work as the prostitute, being paid for sex by adult homosexual males, to earn money to support the homeless and desperate teen couple. A shame the boy would endure so that the child love of his life would not have to. 

The exercise of "playing doctor."  Children don't realize that most children participate in some form of this behavior - and because  "not talking about it" is; (by negative influence design) (not communicating is a negative influence faction) (An early experience which for possibly the rest of our lives we repress and suffer from a false labeling of ourselves)  what is at the root of many a damaged self-esteem. Parents mis-handling of this exercise and misunderstanding of this behavior also greatly contributes to a childs shame at early age.  This is all a milder form of child abuse, seeded in what children learn from adults and from the negative side of human nature.

Then there are “women” who choose homosexual behavior because it has become fashionable. Some men encourage it, so some women choose to engage in sex with other women because they want to be sexier or more desirable than the next woman when looking for love. This is the wrong kind of love. It will never help one to feel whole because only perfect love can do that and shameful love will never be perfect.

Another aggravating problem in America is women going to prison. In the case of tens of thousands of women, they choose homosexuality in prison because they are weak and vulnerable both physically and emotionally and are afraid they will be beaten or worse if they do not “go with the flow.” Possibly influenced by childhood experiences as listed above.  I have personally witnessed and estimate that about 90 % of women that enter the jail or prison system for more than a few week’s have a bi-sexual experience. Then they go back home to their husband and children more tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle. Some divorce their husbands and think they are gay only to wind up more miserable and more broken. This is a growing factor corrupting American Families, promoting sexualy diviant homosexual rights and corrupting of children. 

Wake up parents, everyone’s welcome and popular in the deviant, shame propelled, homosexual,  communities. They need supporters, the more the merrier. How else can the anti-Christ influence grow. They need and want and are corrupting your children and many of you are just handing your children over without a fight. Some of you feel strongly you must do something, but what?  The answer is to wake-up and educate yourself to what's really happening in the world today.  Choose right over wrong every time, to listen to the God in you. To live by the Word of God as God instructs.


More than ever in the United States, adults, have allowed the selfish misleading of children and do what they want to do, no matter who get's hurt as long as they are pleased themselves.  As we see in so many cases, sadly, the end result is the demise of the decent family. The anti-Christs' have Americans right where they want them. Christian values, in more places than not it seems, have taken a backseat to a "negative influence "  style of freedom of speech, selfishness and indulgence. Most people seem to have decided that to liberate means do what ever the hell you want.


I hope you all can see where this is going, join me in saying enough is enough. Come back to your senses and be the good human being that God created. Avoid this anti-Christ influence that negative forces are selling you and that you are sadly allowing them to sell your children, even your church in some cases.

We all feel powerful destructive urges, that we could choose to let take us over.  It's your character that comes in to play when you decide if you are going to entertain your destructive urges and act on them or remain in your good senses. We all know that there is such a thing as right and wrong. If we as; good and responsible people, Christians, were living a stronger Godly Example, as God instructs us. Our children would be less susceptible to, and the rest of Our Nation would be less inclined to follow and make such terrible decisions. We’ve been allowing everything, so now everything lives among us.  We have not carfully tended to our Gods word or to our Nation's Constitution.  The end result is "Evil is coming into veiw."

Since when does a child need to be sold a hamburger by a naked Woman. Shame on you Carl’s Jr. What can we do - don’t eat at Carl’s Jr. or McDonalds (McDonald's is one of the 13 original bloodline names claimed by anti-Christ Illumnatt since time began) or any other Consumer Product Company who uses inapropriate media schemes. McDonald's TV which all McDonalds now use in their restaurants are hosting a hot and heavy very sexual make out session with chris isaak and a model," from his latest video," running it continually every 60 seconds.  McDonalds, your tables are filled with teens "hanging out" and families their to enjoy family time. Your selfish and corrupt irresponsible media is NOT OK!  So Americans don't give them your money, it should be obvious to you they are not interested  in the "good " of your family.  Starbuck's only interst in people is taking as much of your money a posible and using it to furthur "globalist interest", not good people's.  FYI "Disney" is also on that list.  (see "Disney" short documentary video on "code red" page).

I'm especially discusted and stand with one million moms against K-marts ADs KFC.   Don’t buy “Progressive Insurance.” Every dime of your money given to progressive insurance goes to funds anti-Christ activity (for more information on businesses or business that destroys Human Values using unhealthy methods and corrupt practice go to Support business, lifestyles and government that want to be part of a healthy and positive good family, America.

I will say it again, homosexuality is the direct result of child abuse, child abuse is perpetuated by evil. The very reason, if for no other, everyone of us, every decent person should stand against the act of homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle is that it is harmful. Just like we oppose alcoholism, drug abuse and many other self destructive behaviors. It all comes back to the Christian, anti-Christ struggle, The battle of good vs. evil, since the beginning of time. Which side will you stand and fight for ? What will you promote to your children, every child.

Medical authorities assert that homosexuality is not the result of genetic problems. Forty-five years ago, Pilchard’s study of male homosexuals found a normal complement of XY chromosomes in every case (1962, 108).  Homosexuality is a learned behavior as a result of abuse.  Plain and simple!  Homosexuality is a corrupt behavior learned from other homosexuals.

Christians. God warns us, stop living the anti-Christ influence or you will suffer all the days of your life, that is if God doesn’t take life away from you entirely.  Already Homosexuals lives are limited by rampant disease. The average lifestyle of a homosexual is under 50 vs. a heterosexual, who usually lives about 30 years longer.

I am compassionate, as was Jesus. I am most compassionate and concerned for our children, as was Jesus. Ultimately love one another as Jesus loved, so that all, especially our children may seek the goodness of God and truly receive good in their hearts and be saved from the hardest tribulations in life, and turn from evil. Sow a good seed in righteous soil, so the seed will bare righteous fruit.  A strong argument should be made not let the seed of the offensive take root in the first place. Believe me when I warn you that homosexuality is the product of child sexual abuse, abuse and wrongful influence.

The Very Good News is that we can all be made new.  We can all have our hearts and our minds, our souls, washed clean.  We can be filled with love and understanding thru Gods promise.  In God's promise, if we are willing to love God with our whole Heart we can receive God's gift of a new and powerful and shame free life everlasting.  The understanding of God's word is important and Jesus Christ is key in that he came down from heaven, understanding Gods promise and lived an exemplary life that we may be saved by grace if we live by the promise of our Lord.

We are just a day away from living in a real time city of Sodom and Gomorrah. I’ve been there I know. I was a resident of San Francisco and I witnessed what happened in San Francisco in 2004 when Mayor, Gavin Newsome allowed gay marriage in the city for the first time. It lasted for one day before the Federal government intervened. But over night the city became an unimaginable, unlivable nightmare for all children and even the adults.

 I recall “Rosie O’Donnell” was married and there was a lot of media covering it. Once the media was gone, my city resembled Sodom and Gomorrah seemingly over night. My cities children were left to live in nightmarish conditions. If you’ve ever visited a metropolitan city, especially San Francisco, you may have noticed bus stops are very plentiful. San Francisco has a bus stop on nearly every corner of every street. I was stunned and disgusted when at least half of the billboards and bus stop shelters were blazing what looked like 2 naked smiling men piggy backing, one on top of the other. The only words on the poster read, "" My family was moved from the city shortly afterward.  The spirit of the city felt more grim.

 A year later I visited San Francisco, the billboards all still housed the offensive materials. Still every other one, same sexually explicit, morally confusing, deviant image. The only difference and twice as disturbing was the other, every other one. It was very sad to me as a mother, a human being and a woman, a Christian woman, that most of the rest of the billboards and bus shelters were plastered with the clothing company, American Apparels, ads. All under age looking models, young girls, with their legs opened as far as they possibly could be and photographed seemingly naked or with very little clothes on.  A grim atmosphere prevailed.

 We as parents and future parents, most of us Christians, have said and done nothing. The last 10 years generation of children have spent every day viewing these damaging images. Passing them a hundred times a day while riding in the car or bus, stopped at every stop sign or bus stop. Walking to school or to a friends house or going to church.  Our children have become a depressed society, many now on medications.  Parents medications are not the answer.  Gods love is the answer.

If you as parents and Christians and American Citizens keep allowing this, our children, yes, your children, will suffer living horrifyingly in an unprotected world. You pretend its not happening or its no big deal, maybe your left feeling you don't know what to do.  So many parents behavior reflect they do not believe their children are inclined to the garbage in, garbage out rule. We pretend our children can acquire healthy minds in spite of the cese pools we are allowing them to live and breath in.


Please, wake up! Saying this is OK is not OK!  Understanding is key, but not the kind of understanding were trying to rationalize.  Not the infringing on, the corruption of our children's lives.  I agree don’t trash gays human beings, but don’t trash our children with violence and immorality with violence and stupidity.  We must treat homosexuality by understanding it is a problem, the same as destructive addictions!  We need to stop trashing our precious children and stop trashing God too! 

In case you haven’t figured it out, what influences your children the most today is crawling with anti-Christ values. Today, every parent I'll bet has had an argument with their children about playing a violent video game.   A majority don’t even fight them on it at all. You shouldn’t fight them, you should just destroy it when ever you find it. (Violent video games are a tool to de-sensitize your children.)  You are the parent, teach them why and what is good for them and not good for them. Teach them why they should never put their minds, even their money in the hands of someone who provides and promotes these crippling materials.

Don't most of us just love to tune in to Hollywood and Media. Most of our children have been raised by it. I have lived inside the circles of media. A decent person would refused to peddle their corruption to children. It is by enlarge a fact that many a Hollywood star is a homosexual and or pedophile, but they don’t want you to know that. Today, now that gay is fashionable some don’t care that you know, because more and more, you don’t care. I believe, as Hollywood Actor, Corey Feldman confessed, most Child Actors are molested in the industry.

I stayed for a couple of months with a friend who was the long time girlfriend of a Top Hollywood Producer. I witnessed, he bragged and she told me, that he traveled to Third World Countries and had sex with little boys and thought it was OK because he paid them for it. Her and I are no longer friends for obvious reasons. I also recall him running off to “the clubhouse,” “A Hollywood hangout for The Big Boys,” at least once a week for a day or three to participate in homosexual sex and just sexual orgies in general. I’m talking directors and stars you love! I encourage decent Stars in the Media to come out and say they love good and God, then turn to media with righteous values.

Wake up Christians the anti-Christ movement is sweeping us up in a tidal wave that will wash everything good away in a blink of an tsunami eye. The 1000 foot wave is just a mile off shore and we must wake up and sound the warning siren. 


​The points of fact are; the “homosexuals” are pushing for public acceptance of their behavior. They want to teach in public schools, day cares and so forth. Do we as parents have any rights? As a parent I have the right to expect that my children will receive their education from reasonably moral people. Should those who champion incest and bestiality be denied their “rights” to teach children? Because we are so called compassionate to equal rights today, I say equal rights of who. We have some of those types in positions working with our children right now, knowingly to others. Knowingly by those who should be down right outraged and vocal, but even some Christians say nothing.  If you view any videos on this site you may be realizing "evils" influence in todays society.  Many satinist believe we are intering the time of satin, and these mediums which belong to him have distracted us into submission.

One spokesperson for the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights has stated that the ultimate goal of the gay liberation movement is “freedom of sexual expression for young people and children.” The writer says, “We gain nothing by limiting our defense of homosexual love to consensual sex between adults. It is absurd to charge gay men who share their sexuality with boys as ‘child molesters’” (Stockton Record 1979).  Wake up America!  Every child who's ever been molested, gay or not, will cry in shame and pain at the thought of it!  Stand up, cry out, pray!  Put an end to this insane corruption for your moral health, your children and those who for one reason or another, cannot.

Is this what the Constitution of the United States was designed to protect? No! Just last month the house forced a land slide of a bill through congress in a big hurry and it was signed by The President. You may of heard of it. The sham “Violence Against Women Act.” What it accomplished above all else, let me make you aware, was to legalize prostitution of children! Yes you heard me right. It is now legal for children to prostitute their bodies to adults in all 50 States!  (read more about this on the “Children” page.)

Whenever one violates the natural moral order established by God and good, one sins against and offends God and good.  Accordingly, anyone who professes to love God and is good must be opposed to the un-Godly. God has prepared us for this day since the rebirth of our coming to the Lord as a Christian.  Since our Savior Jesus Christ headed God's Will to live by example!  To live a great and Godly Life, here on earth to save us from our sins.  Are we prepared ? We have received our instructions and God has told us that if we are diligent we will not lose. God tells us that we are to fight to our last breath the life which He has instructed us to live until He comes and takes us home.  That is, His command. God is our commander and we must obey Gods instructions if we are indeed Christians. Please my brothers and sisters you must listen or it would be like a soldier in war who does not even know what his own soldiers uniform looks like or even that of his enemy.

God indeed is sounding the horn. The enemy has had his strategy , troops and attack in place. All may even seem lost but God warns do not hide your face. That will not save you, rather take up your shield and your sword and be swift and do not miss your target. God made us a fearless people by design. Yes He has our counter attack planned and in place. Keep His 10 commandments! Remember He says we must fight this good fight, with, Him. God has prepared us for this day with His Word. God has told us that if we are diligent we will not lose.

What Shall We Do? Pray, seek the Lord with all your heart and please make your heart known, to all, out loud! Join your brothers on Columbus Day, take your church and all your neighbors, and pray my fellow Americans. Shout from the highest hills and the deepest valleys, show your signs, wave your flags and pray.

It would be most desirable if we could simply teach sinful diviants to abandon their wickedness, obey Christ, and accept his forgiveness (Acts 2:38). This is precisely what some in the first century did (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).  I would welcome and encourage this practice.  However, at the moment, the so-called gay community is totally unconcerned with anything the Bible says and apparently so is the majority of Our Government. So these people must be dealt with differently.

Virtually every person has a threshold of morality at some point. Those opposed to this depravity must demand that homosexuals defend their practice on some moral basis. For example, is bestiality immoral? What about incest? If the homosexuals endorse this type of activity, let them come out and publicly say so. If they feel that such conduct is immoral, by what standard is their judgment made?


They must be pressured to logically and consistently defend their views. It will become apparent that when one rejects God as the ultimate standard of right and wrong, there is absolutely no stopping human immorality. Who is willing to accept the inevitability of this type of thinking? Scarcely no one except those who have no regard for logic and who revel in debauchery.


Let us, therefore, kindly, but forcefully, press these truths upon our contemporaries. We must take the initiative in this struggle for decent conduct. The future of generations yet unborn depends upon how intelligently, spiritually, and vigorously we engage this battle.

Marriage is not the creature of any State. Rather, it was established by God in Paradise (goodly nature, not the nature of a corrupt man.) for our first parents, Adam and Eve. As we read in the Book of Genesis: “God created man in His image; in the Divine image he created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.’” (Gen. 1:28-29)


The same was taught by Our Savior Jesus Christ: “From the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife.” (Mark 10:6-7).

Genesis also teaches how God punished Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality: “The Lord rained down sulfurous fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah. He overthrew those cities and the whole Plain, together with the inhabitants of the cities and the produce of the soil.” (Gen. 19:24-25)

In the sacred Scriptures, homosexuality is not viewed as a medical issue; rather, it is a moral problem. The name of Sodom lives in the infamy of history. So well known is the biblical narrative concerning the perversions of Sodom and Gomorrah, that the term “Sodomite,” across the centuries, became synonymous with “homosexual.”


When Jehovah’s messengers came to Lot’s house in Sodom, certain base men surrounded the dwelling and urged Abraham’s nephew to send out the visitors “that we may know them” (Genesis 19:5). The word “know” (Hebrew yada; Greek ginosko) is sometimes employed in the Bible as a euphemism for “to have sexual relations with” (cf. Genesis 4:1; Matthew 1:25). The men of Sodom clearly wanted to engage in sexual activity with Lot’s guests?

These perverts are characterized as “wicked” and their sin is said to be “very grievous” (Genesis 18:20ff). In the New Testament, the inspired Peter affirmed that God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes and “condemned them with an overthrow, having made them an example unto those that should live ungodly.” Yet righteous Lot, who was “sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked” and daily vexed with their “lawless deeds,” was delivered (2 Peter 2:6-8). Later, the law of Moses declared: “And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall surely be upon them” (Leviticus 20:13). Homosexuality is a moral evil that assaults the home, the very foundation of human society; it has never been tolerated by God.

Some religionists (homosexuals and their sympathizers), while admitting that certain New Testament passages appear to condemn homosexual conduct, nonetheless deny that Jesus personally censured such acts. This is totally inaccurate.

First, Christ clearly taught that the doctrine of his inspired spokesmen ultimately was from him. To the seventy disciples under his commission, he said, “He who hears you hears me; and he who rejects you rejects me” (Luke 10:16). Paul, who was very outspoken about sodomy, affirmed that the things he wrote were “the commandment of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 14:37).

Second, when Jesus spoke of marriage as that which was ordained of God, he stated it was for male and female (Matthew 19:4-6).


Third, the Lord’s concession, that fornication against an innocent spouse is grounds for divorce by the victim, condemns sodomy, since this vile practice is but a form of fornication. The word “fornication” (Greek porneia) was used in antiquity in a generic sense “of various kinds of ‘unsanctioned sexual intercourse’” It includes such sins as prostitution, incest, homosexuality, bestiality, and such like.

Jude explicitly declares that Sodom and her neighbors had “given themselves over to fornication and gone after strange flesh” (v. 7). Finally, Christ indicated that ancient Sodom was in need of repentance and that they justly were destroyed (cf. Matthew 11:23, 24; Luke 17:29).

Paul’s inspired rebuke of homosexuality in Romans 1 could be misunderstood only by the willfully ignorant. In verses 26 and 27, homosexual conduct is characterized as: (a) the result of vile passions; (b) a perversion from the natural to that which is against nature (note Jude’s reference to “strange flesh” [vs. 7]); © lust causing males to burn for males and females for females; (d) unseemliness; (e) error that was due recompense.

Further, in 1 Corinthians 6:9 the apostle declares that the “effeminate”  to being passive in a same-sex relationship, effeminate, especially of catamites, of men and boys who are sodomized by other males in such a relationship” and “abusers of themselves with men” cannot (in that condition) inherit the kingdom of God. This latter phrase translates the Greek word arsenokoites (from arsen, a male, and koite, bed). Literally, it is males in bed with males!


In 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Paul puts homosexuals in the same lawless class with murderers of parents, etc. Some attempt to wrest the Scriptures by suggesting that Paul was not condemning homosexuality per se, rather, only the abuse of this practice.  But there is, liberals maintain, a proper homosexual relationship that would be approved.  How absurd! 

The same type of logic would imply that there is a legitimate form of drunkenness, idolatry, murder, polygamy etc.—that only perversions of such acts are condemned!


PRAY and be conscious. I pray for all human beings, also for individuals who struggle with their weakness and strive to overcome it and others who transform their sin into a reason for pride and try to impose their lifestyle on society as a whole, in flagrant opposition to traditional Christian morality and Gods natural law.

​I pray also for the judges, legislators and government officials who in one way or another take steps that favor homosexuality and same-sex “marriage, murder, abortion or a tyrannical Government”

Pray for those who fall into homosexual sin out of human weakness, that God may assist them with His grace. Brothers, sisters become more loving and wholesome and give lost souls hope.  Stregthen your own morality with the powerful word of God and instruction of Jesus Christ.


Pastors seek out the weak, weary and misguided. Especially the misguided. Invite them to your ministry where they might hear the word of God, where your sheep have been carefully raised up, by you and may come to understand the love of Jesus Christ,  That the ignorant less fortunate may eat from a caring and jubilant table and desire corruption no more.


                                                                                                         Gods People said... Amen


written by; the Author of this site.

April 2013


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