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The Decriminalization of Prostitution for Minors


The Federal Government and its legislation, senators and representatives voted to endorse the decriminalization of prostitution for minors in the United States on March 8, 2013. SA 21 contains a provision to change the Department of Justice's (DOJ) Model State Criminal Provisions on Pimping, Pandering, and Prostitution, which is model legislation the DOJ promotes to the states. The change would, in effect, decriminalize prostitution for minors, meaning the DOJ will encourage states to prohibit the charging or prosecution of a minor for engaging in or attempting to engage in prostitution.



The National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) reports: "Prostitution is also a major source of income for many gangs. Gang members often operate as pimps, luring or forcing at-risk, young females into prostitution and controlling them through violence and psychological abuse. Asian gangs, Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, MS-13, Sureños, Vice Lords, and members of OMGs are involved in prostitution operations, according to FBI, NGIC, and multiple law enforcement reporting." 


So, did the 95 senators and the 286 representatives who voted for Senate Amendment 21 know for what they were voting? So much for caring about children; so much for working for

girls' and women's rights.


Janice Shaw Crouse and Brenda Zurita are modern-day

abolitionists for Concerned Women for America's

Beverly LaHaye Institute, working at the forefront of

American policy efforts to end sex trafficking and

other forms of modern day slavery in the U.S. and

around the world.





Read more:
White House: Remarks by the President and Vice President at Signing of the Violence Against Women Act!/2013/03/white-house-remarks-by-president-and.html

 129157475-violence-against-women-act-2013-reauthorization_1_.pdfdownload PDF (413.1 KB)


The world is filling our children with poison garbage and violence.


The United States Government just blindsided us in the worst and most discusting way, making Juvenile Prostitution legal in America.   YES, I SAID WHAT YOU THINK I SAID. In the first week of March, 2013 our government DID make Juvenile Prostituton legal.



Columbus Day october 4, 2013 You can change our Childerns Future bygathering in yOur Town Centers and Praying with me

              Columbus Day 2013. 

​   Christian Prayer Summit for God.

​ What our anti-christ Government is doing today will shock
  you into a realization none of want to believe  butGOD

                wants us to open our eyes.

​     Unbelivable! :  Juvenile Prostitution was LEGALIZED in the

                                United States of America on March 8, 2013

  Our Goverment's CPS

        is in... The

Child Brokerage Business!

CPS to Court of public Opinion

How to take your CPS Case to the
“Court of Public Opinon”
Appear “LIVE” on world wide TV to present your case.
Watch this video, then contact the Congressional Prayer Conference TV show and tell the world what the system has done to your Family.
pastor Wiley S. Drake Sr. 1-714-865-8132
Watch the show at 9:00 am and 5:00 pm PDT



Stand Straight For Marriage ...

      Many discusting things are in the works to hurt Your Children - Please answer your call to "rock the Nation" on Memorial Day 2013

 Many of you reading this are aware of the mythological story of "Pandora's Box." The story has a similar theme to that of the story of Genesis with Adam and Eve with regards to Eve eating of the forbidden fruit and then sharing it with Adam. This would bring about Original Sin.

In Pandora's Box. Pandora was given a box and was specifically told not to open it. As we all know, human beings are very curious creatures.

What did Pandora do? She opened it! As she opened it, evil came out of the box and spread throughout the Earth. Only one thing remained in the box and that was hope. Of course, Pandora tried in vain to restore the contents into the container, but was unsuccessful. The damage was done, so to speak.

In the United States of America and throughout the world, there is an issue that will bring about great harm to society: Gay Marriage. I will not go into full details as to why this is so, but will touch on one of the dangers so-called "gay marriage" will bring to societies throughout the globe.

   Let me share a newslink with you;
Ever since the homosexual community has lobbied for "equal rights" and the normalization

   of their lifestyle, other sexually deviant groups have followed their example. In the summer of 2011, there was an actual

   conference with psychologists calling for the normalization of pedophilia. See these blogs:

   There is actually a movement that is seeking to make pedophilia normal and accepted in society just like at one point

   homosexuality was considered a disorder and was removed from the DSM or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

   Disorders in 1973.

   In the Netherlands, there is a group of pedophiles seeking to normalize this disgusting behavior. The group "Martijn" is

   pushing for the acceptance of relationships between adults and children! This group is similar to "NAMBLA" in the United

   States of America. Ironically, both are offshoots of the LGBT agenda. "Martijn" was removed from the International Lesbian

   and Gay Association in 1994. "NAMBLA," was founded by LGBT homosexual activist David Thorstad.

   These are details the gay rights movement do not tell their blind audience for obvious reasons.


If so-called "Gay Marriage," is legalized under the pretense of equal rights, then what's to stop pedophiles from requesting the same? In reality, they are already requesting the same rights! Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked a similar question;

Sotomayor asked, "If you say that marriage is a fundamental right, what state restrictions could ever exist?" before referencing "polygamy and incest among adults," as reported by Matt Canham of the Salt Lake Tribune. The argument is an illustration of a broader issue about the culture of American society. To agree that gay marriage is indeed protected by the "equal protection" clause in the Constitution, wouldn't the same apply for all consenting adult relationships? -

Sotomayor asked a very important question. Furthermore, if the

LGBT easily found a way to lobby the normalization of their lifestyle,

rest assured that pedophiles will do the same. Once they do that,


they will demand "equal rights" to marry children.

Marriage is only possible between a male and female. Both can

naturally start a family by procreation and this is how it has been

since man first walked the Earth. We have no right to alter it based

on chic ideas that have not been thought out carefully. We cannot

socially engineer what is established by nature in order to please

our vices.

If today's Pandora's Box is opened, then unspeakable evils will spread around attacking the family which would bring down society because the family is the cell of every society. Greek and Roman societies adopted homosexuality and pedophilia as norms, where are they now? All that remains of their culture and societies are ruins.


 The facts are in on the affect of Gay Marriage on Children"study." The reports are sad...


The Debate Over Homosexual Parents

In the larger cultural, political, and legal debates over homosexuality, one significant smaller debate has been over homosexual parents. Do children who are raised by homosexual parents or caregivers suffer disadvantages in comparison to children raised in other family structures--particularly children raised by a married mother and father?
This question is essential to political and ethical debates over adoption, foster care, and artificial reproductive technology, and it is highly relevant to the raging debate over same-sex "marriage." The argument that "children need a mom and a dad" is central to the defense of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
When comparing children of homosexuals with children of married biological parents, the differences in sexuality--experiences of sexual abuse, number of sexual partners, and homosexual feelings and experiences among the children themselves--were among the most striking. While not all of the findings mentioned below have the same level of "statistical significance" as those mentioned above, they remain important.
At one time, defenders of homosexual parents not only argued that their children do fine on psychological and developmental measures, but they also said that children of homosexuals "are no more likely to be gay" than children of heterosexuals.
That claim will be impossible to maintain in light of this study. It found that children of homosexual fathers are nearly 3 times as likely, and children of lesbian mothers are nearly 4 times as likely, to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual. Children of lesbian mothers are 75% more likely, and children of homosexual fathers are 3 times more likely, to be currently in a same-sex romantic relationship.
The same holds true with the number of sexual partners. Both males and females who were raised by both lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers have more opposite-sex (heterosexual) partners than children of married biological parents (daughters of homosexual fathers had twice as many). But the differences in homosexual conduct are even greater.
The daughters of lesbians have 4 times as many female (that is, same-sex) sexual partners than the daughters of married biological parents, and the daughters of homosexual fathers have 6 times as many. Meanwhile, the sons of both lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers have 7 times as many male (same-sex) sexual partners as sons of married biological parents.
The most shocking and troubling outcomes, however, are those related to sexual abuse. Children raised by a lesbian mother were 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver" (23% reported this, vs. only 2% for children of married biological parents), while those raised by a homosexual father were 3 times more likely (reported by 6%).

In his text, but not in his charts, Regnerus breaks out these figures for only female victims, and the ratios remain similar (3% IBF; 31% LM; 10% GF). As to the question of whether you have "ever been physically forced" to have sex against your will (not necessarily in childhood), affirmative answers came from 8% of children of married biological parents, 31% of children of lesbian mothers (nearly 4 times as many), and 25% of the children of homosexual fathers (3 times as many). Again, when Regnerus breaks these figures out for females (who are more likely to be victims of sexual abuse in general), such abuse was reported by 14% of IBFs, but 3 times as many of the LMs (46%) and GFs (52%).

These data require more detailed exploration and explanation. A number of researchers have pointed out that self-identified homosexual adults (both men and women) are more likely to report having been victims of child sexual abuse.
However, Family Research Council and other pro-family organizations have been criticized for also pointing to evidence suggesting that homosexual men are more likely to commit acts of child sexual abuse than are heterosexual men.

And experts in child sexual abuse in general say that men are most often the perpetrators, regardless of the sex of the victim. Therefore, the finding that children of lesbian mothers are significantly more likely to have been victims of sexual touching by "a parent or adult caregiver" than even the children of homosexual fathers is counter-intuitive.

Children of homosexuals:
Have lower educational attainment
Report less safety and security in their family of origin
Report more ongoing "negative impact" from their family of origin
Are more likely to suffer from depression
If they are female, have had more sexual partners--both male and female
Are more likely to be currently cohabiting
Are almost 4 times more likely to be currently on public assistance
Are much more likely to have received welfare (IBF 17%; LM 69%; GF 57%)
Are less likely to be currently employed full-time
Are more than 3 times more likely to be unemployed
Are nearly 4 times more likely to identify as something other than entirely heterosexual
Are 3 times as likely to have had an affair while married or cohabiting
Are an astonishing 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver."
Are nearly 4 times as likely to have been "physically forced" to have sex against their will
Are more likely to have "attachment" problems related to the ability to depend on others
Have been arrested more often
Have more often pled guilty to a non-minor offense
Are more likly to be confused about their Sexuality.
The large number of significant negative outcomes in this study gives legitimate reason for concern about the consequences of "homosexual parenting."
The articles by Marks and Regnerus have completely changed the playing field for debates about homosexual parents, "gay families," and same-sex "marriage." The myths that children of homosexual parents are "no different" from other children and suffer "no harm" from being raised by homosexual parents have been shattered forever.

                                                                                                     GARBAGE IN - GARBAGE OUT

In Human Nature their is a basic distinction between right and wrong so profound that even animals recognize it.  What at about you?










God's Love for Your Children



A mark of mental health is the ability to repress our knowledge of the world’s cruelty, to be able to live in peace though surrounded on all sides by horror and violent death… It is ironic that if a depressed patient walks into my office and says that the world is so grim that he cannot face it, I am to treat him as a ‘sick’ person. Actually the patient is quite right. He sees the truth only too clearly. But he is ‘sick’ because he has lost certain basic defenses; he no longer has the normal illusions which keep us “sane”. Professor Alexander - Holocaust Professor.

Recent policies for our school chldren, are designed to criminalize student behavior and result in suspensions, expulsions and school-to-prison policies we see all over the nation now.  Zero-tolerance policies for all children.  Many school districts, yours is next: forcing seniors and their parents to sign a behavior contract in order to be able to participate in graduation ceremonies. 


Thank you Senate and Congress, for these military apparatus and neo-liberal social policies. Senate and Congress of the United States: Where are the zero-tolerance policies for bankers, for CEO’s, hedge fund operators, financial fraudsters and corrupt and bought and paid for politicians? Nowhere, that’s where. They get away with literal murder and pillage with no consequences. No expulsions for them, promotions and bonuses instead.  Where is "God in the United States of America."




We are literally driving our children in this country insane with commercialization, rampant individuality, loss of public space, popular culture, corporate media, poor diets, homelessness, pharmaceutical drugs and just plain garbage.  Looking into the face and minds of many of our children in this country should mirror back at us the monstrous policies we operate under and what it has done to us, as adults. It should show us with clarity the sickness that pervades the society and the institutional madness of the gravediggers we call ‘leaders’.




A more insidious and regulating version of educational purpose and mission has surfaced. Educational discourse is now less and less conceived of liberating the intellect and spirit of our young; rather the discourse more and more resembles the language of penal institutions — behavior discussed in terms of containment and control.  Our children are depicted as a hazard to society, increasingly in need of medical controls, tough love, strict supervision, and authoritarian, disciplinary action none of these are gifts, yet alone gifts from God.



There can be little doubt that American society, Christians, is failing its children. A cursory look at rising suicide rates among youth, their  magnified levels of youth incarceration reveals the depth of our nation’s indiscriminante sacrifice of young people. And this promiscuous relinquishment will continue unbridled until we as Christians start demanding a decent society in which to raise, our children, God's children.  The crisis of our nation’s youth is nothing more than a testimony to the crisis in our nation’s anti-Christ influence.


How can they fight a good fight in this world  for a worthwhile today and tommarrow when they don't see any good fight in us.  Parents we are to lead by example.  We are to lead by example like God did and His Son Jesus did! 


God is the Father of Jesus, look what an example He was.  By sacrificing His Son to us,  He showed us how to be parents of valuble purpose.  His true purpose was that we could learn from example and to recieve grace. To be a rightous example and a rightous example to our children and their generations so that grace could be recieved by all and Heaven could rein.

The Lord's Prayer is a central prayer in Christianity In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, it appears in two forms: in the Gospel of Matthew[6:9–13] as part of the Sermon on the Mount, and in the Gospel of Luke,[11:1–4]   It is very clear - The way God wants us to live and the way Jesus taught us is the way, the truth and the Light and whoever abideth in the word will have everlasting light!


Children are our second chance to get it right.   By adopting healthy ethics, culture, language and Christian Values that goes beyond shallow rampant individualism, we can begin to re-construct the United States of America and perpare the way for God's Kingdom.

                                                                                                                               God Bless the Children

I would like to read more stories like this, MOM's READ THIS:

“The articles by Marks and Regnerus have completely changed the playing field for debates about homosexual parents, "gay families," and same-sex "marriage."  The myths that children of homosexual parents are "no different" from other children and suffer"no harm" from being raised by homosexual parents have been shattered forever.

The large number of significant negative outcomes in this study gives legitimate reasons for concern about the consequences of "homosexual parenting."  

The most shocking and troubling outcome, are those related to sexual abuse.  Children raised by a lesbian mother were 10 times more likely to have been "touched sexually by a parent or other adult caregiver," while those raised by a homosexual father were 3 times more likely to be inappropriately touched. 

When comparing children of homosexuals with children of married biological parents, the differences in sexuality-experiences of sexual abuse, number of partners, and homosexual feelings and experiences among the children themselves-were among the most striking.

This data is essential to political and ethical debates over adoption, foster care, and artificial reproductive technology, and it is highly relevant to the raging debate over same-sex "marriage."  The argument that "children need a mom and a dad" is central to the defense of marriage as the unon of one man and one woman.

Family Research Council,  Washington, D.C.

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