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Most Christian authorities and bodies regard Christian views on marriage to hold that marriage was instituted and ordained by God for the lifelong relationship between one man as husband and one woman as wife. They consider it the most intimate of human relationships, a gift from God and a sacred institution.[1] Protestants consider it to be sacred, holy, and even central to the community of faith.[2] To Catholics[3] and Orthodox Christians[4] it is a Sacrament. Biblically, it is to be "held in honor among all...."[Heb. 13:4

"   Jesus taught - Marriage...

One Woman and One Man=Healthy Enviroment." 

Regardless of what society or the politically correct group says, men and women are different in many ways. God purposely intended for men and women to be different. In a marriage, men and women have different roles. They are to complement each other.

By divine design, Our Heavenly Father gave men and women different gifts and abilities to help them fulfill complementary roles as husband and wife. “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose. … Fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners”

Man and woman naturally complement each other physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. They were made to give themselves completely and fully to each other, for the two to become one. Marriage is merely one man and one woman making a complete and total gift of self to the other, for the rest of their earthly lives, and this is consummated in the act of Heterosexual Intercourse, which reflects and echoes this two becoming one in a physical way.

The two literally become “one flesh” and this one flesh union is the sole means by which human life is transmitted. This procreative capacity of marriage is the reason the government recognizes and bestows financial and legal benefits on it that are not bestowed on any other union. Those benefits are given to bind the husband and wife together, to bind the children to their mother and father, and to help the mother and father financially support their children, because children do best when they grow up in a stable home with their mother and father.


Women are more sensitive and more emotional. They are more caring and nurturing. They are more observant of their surroundings. Women try to "fix" problems in other people, whether or not the person wants fixing.

Men have one-track minds. They don't look to the left or the right. They don't ask directions. They see something and they go whole-hog to accomplish it or get it. Men don't sense when someone is out of sorts. Men forge ahead and don't notice if they are hurting feelings or saying something they shouldn't in order to fix somthing.

A man plus a woman is like a two piece puzzle. Each alone is only half complete. The two together make a whole picture - a whole unit. The attributes a woman has plus the attributes a man has work together. The man has the strength and the woman has the softness. The strength can protect, build, lift, and do much more. The softness can nurture. A man and a woman together can do almost anything.


God has a sense of humor, and he puts opposites together. For example, in a marriage, one is a generous giver, the other one tends to be a tightwad; one is punctual, the other one late; one is outgoing, the other is withdrawn; one likes camping, the other likes the indoors; one is cold natured, the other hot natured; one is a night owl, the other an early bird; etc.

The man can attack a project without being sidetracked by other issues. The woman can clue the man in on the details. The man can be strong and tough during hard times and the woman can let the man know what is happening on the emotional side. Men analyze what someone is saying by listening to the words they use. Women hear the words, but analyze not only the words, but the body language, voice tones, and looks the speaker uses. If the man and woman compare notes they can make a more informed decision based on what they heard and saw. The man can be the rock, she can be the pillow. Both things are necessary. The man and woman are designed to be a team. That is God's plan.

Recognizing marriage and endowing it with government benefits helps guarantee such an environment for children, and government has a compelling reason to do this in virtue of its responsibility to safeguard and promote the common good.

Government is justified in denying same-sex relationships as equivalent with marriage for the simple fact that same-sex sexual acts, such as sodomy, are inherently sterile and can never under any circumstances result in the transmission of human life.

                                                                                                                                  Friends,  Praise God.


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