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AGENDA   The New World (Jesuit) Order  :   world tyranny:   The Jesuit Order





"The Agenda"   is one term for the "new world order" used by the insiders / globalists  --  the ILLUMINISTS, also called the ILLUMINATI.    Ultimately, the goal of the spiritual adversary of mankind is to rule the whole world (currently by putting the UN over every nation).   

They've design conflicts of every sort.  

The ultimate charter to control power-lusting rulers is embodied in the US Constitution.  


Agenda 21 is designed to control government, not citizens.   It sets boundaries of behavior, and the US Constitution is like KRYPTONITE to the tyrannicals   --   they want to destroy it.  


Daniel 4:17 tells us that we are ruled over by the lowest of men;  They are phenomenal propagandists.   They play a part in every social and political upheaval wherever they may occur.    They are the primary agitators to change or over-throw regimes.   They are rampant in the media (broadcasting, print, etc.,.)  The nerve-center to watch is the UNITED NATIONS.   Created by the CFR (Illuminati), the UN is the "New World Order", and will be firmly established as the one-world government when the globalists set up the UN TAX they have have planned for every person on Earth.   The US Constitution is in the way of this global take-over, so the next step will be to merge Canada, the USA, and Mexico into a union, the the North American Union.  This new overlord government will trump the US Constitution, and the USA will effectively become just one member of the new union.  Those concrete barriers you see everywhere along the expressways will be used to lock the roads closed, so there will be checkpoints to pass for anyone trying to leave an urban community.  The secret Order of the Quest (world domination, NWO) is planned and facilitated ultimately by: Assassins, Teachers, Infiltrators, Tyrants


The plan hatched by the United Nations at the end of WWII to exterminate the remaining "Jews" left in the world was to create (allow) them to move back to the land of Israel, promised to them by Yahuah so long ago.  By moving into this land, they would be surrounded by their most violent enemies, the remnant populations of ancient Assryians, Ishmaelites, and Edomites.   The hope of the UN was to see them attacked, overpowered, and exterminated without mercy. 


Today, the sovereign state of Israel remains under constant threat of attack from every direction.  

Agenda 21 was designed to take control of the entire Earth, in order to bring everyone under the one authority.


The US Constitution is their primary obstacle, and it is under constant attack by infiltrating CFR members as "candidates" for US government offices 24/7.    Proclaiming "liberty" as a right of all people means tyrants can't go around locking-up people without due process.    They have a right to their liberty  --  personal freedom to travel and live where they choose.   This was not so until the US Constitution declared it.   They (tyrants) tried their hand at global domination with the "League of Nations", and it failed.   A few decades later, they tried it again with a new name, the United Nations, and it's about to work.   They even placed its headquarters in the US,  their greatest obstacle to their success, with the hope that becoming a recognized "fixture" will make us more comfortable having them around.   The UN is a foreign power on US soil.    The ILLUMINATI changed its name to operate as a "shadow government" within the US government through the infiltration of its members --  it is known as CFR, or the Council on Foreign Relations.    They are fantastic infiltrators.   Another element of the "shadow government" is the Central Bank, called the "FED", or "Federal Reserve Bank".   The CFR-FED infestation within the US government is "cloaked" almost as if people are unaware of what they are really looking at.   Fidel Castro, Adam Weishaupt, Cecil Rhodes, -- and many others that would shock you, like Yassar Arafat belong to this tyrant group).   The organization, the  CFR, is the Illuminati, in disguise.   Presidents from both sides of the aisle are elected from its membership; so effectively there is really only ONE party, the CFR.   The parties are simply different "management teams".   Whichever one "wins" in any election, POLICY doesn't change one wit.    "Democrat" or "Republican" --  such labels are meaningless really, because the outcome of either winning an election will be the same.   The objectives of the CFR will be carried out.    Their main purse strings extend from the central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank, but it has an "official" sounding name).   They thrive financially on the interest of our national debt, which the Central Bank "loans" to the government from money the Central Bank literally creates out of THIN AIR.    Follow the money-trail, and you'll find the really bad-guys.      Sure, they use the ruse or facade of "Jewish bankers" to hide behind, but this is all propaganda.   The "Rothchilds"  -- that's all just FORD/NAZI propaganda promoted by the anti-Semitic Czarist police in early 20th-Century Russia that purports to be plotting world domination.     Henry Ford; Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford behind his desk, declaring that "this is one American who understands us".       Teir assassins have killed many;  Abraham Lincoln, the Czar of Russia and his family, and John F. Kennedy to name but a few.   They were at the center of the Vietnam conflict, as they used the Catholic president (Diem) of South Vietnam to wipe out the Buddhists.   You'll notice these influences are present in most of the conflicts around the world.   Over the centuries, they would get as close to leaders as possible, and become their advisors.   They would teach the leaders' children, and the higher classes' children, in order to steer the culture.  Here is an overview of their current international organizational structure:






The political parties of the US are modeled after M.A.F.I.A. crime families, and they constantly vie for dominance to get their "kingpin" (crime boss) into power at the top.  Controlling the money and the creation of it, the US Congress and Central Bank seek to control the world, in spite of their oath to defend the US Constitution.  The CFR created the United Nations, and this body will ultimately become the tyrant of the whole world.  Nation-states will be dissolved.  What happened to the sovereignty of the individual states in the Union during the Civil War in the US will also be the outcome of sovereign nations around the world.  The UN will usurp their authority over their citizens.




The head of the global banking trans-corporation known as the Illuminati is in Belgium, at the famous Castle of Darkness, a large mansion estate in the countryside near Muno. The Illuminati have never disappeared from the earth, they are the modern Elite EU banking families we have today. ( Rothchilds,bank of London, etc ) They control most of the politicians in Belgium and the USA through Blackmail and Coercion tactics, including sexual blackmail, death threats, etc.  They are obsessed with global domination and have been at it for many centuries. They are all over the world, and practice ancient SAXON BLOOD RITES and RITUALS, that include child sacrifice to satan.

You will see a pattern of kidnapped children , terrified Judges, and dead witnesses surrounding the them and evidence of ritual satanic torture and murder,etc, wherever they hold their secret meetings, many local kidnapped children are never seen alive again.   (on December 16, 2004, a woman was killed and her baby cut from her womb in Missouri, USA, and there have been many other women killed and their babies taken from their wombs).

The Illuminati are the brains behind the NEW WORLD ORDER, and have a global plan for its conception and design.
Many of the former US presidents are members of their secret society, they meet in America at a place in Northern California called BOHEMIAN GROVE. Run a search of Google for BOHEMIAN GROVE.   Alex Jones made a secret video of the Bohemian Grove meetings ( Near Monte Rio California )  where you can see the  Rituals being performed next to a giant stone statue of HORUS the Falcon.  


The General is often called "the black pope".   Truly, whoever this man happens to be at any point in time, he's the most powerful man on Earth.  They will use some "Latin" because this is a "sacred" language.  Actually, Latin is the language of the men who executed our Messiah.   --   the Italian Roman army  (it wasn't carried out by the "Jews" after all, but the Romans).    Watch for the Latin stuff  -- they use it to hide meanings from the common, uninitiated population.   Also, remember there is "old Latin" and "new Latin"  --  words are spelled slightly differently, and this allows them to further conceal their cryptic messages to one another.


"Announcing the birth of a new world order."  These words are inscribed on the back of each US Dollar bill, written in Latin:  ANNUIT COEPTIS NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.   The "ORDER" that is being described here, to cut to the chase, is the JESUIT ORDER.   To conceal the true meaning of the words, this "motto" is translated for public consumption in a number of benign-sounding ways:  in their words,

Or, as it is now translated by the U.S. State Department:
Thomson coined the motto: Novus ordo seclorum.
The accepted translation is: A new order of the ages.


Thomson explained:
"The date underneath [the pyramid] is that of the Declaration of Independence and the words under it signify the beginning of the new American Æra, which commences from that date."

THEY NOTE: Novus ordo seclorum cannot translate into "new world order."  (so THEY say).


The Illuminati and the Free Masons adhere to the hope that eventually the "New World Order" will be ushered in, and they will be the puppet masters.   They believe their "arcane" and mysterious secrets will draw men to them;  Adam Weishaupt actually stated that it was the "mystery" of his organization that made it so easy to control people.   Men don't learn this at the lower levels, but Masonic authors writing to their own brotherhood of "masters" have revealed that they worship Osiris / Horus, and this is why the Great Seal has the "EYE" at the top of the Egyptian pyramid.   They admit the name changes according to the culture;  but ultimately it is the sun, and "Lucifer" that they call upon with the name "JA-BUL-ON" (a combining of the names YAH, BAAL, and ON).


The familiar logo we call the "Great Seal" was really adopted from the Illuminati, and its designer was actually Adam Weishaupt of Bavaria, the Illuminati's founder  (a Jesuit).    He founded the Illuminati in 1776, seen in ROMAN numerals at the base of the Nimrod-pyramid-obelisk seen on every one dollar bill.  The glowing EYE is not Yahuah, but rather satan, worshipped for millennia as the SUN.  The "eye-in-the-sky" has always been the sun, called Solis Invictus, Horus, Molech, to just name a few.   The occultic (hidden) religion of the Pagan king NIMROD is secretly being kept alive through traditions, and secret societies all over the globe.   Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the fabulous "builders", the Masons, might not be involved to some extent?   The Jesuits are the ultimate control freaks, or tyrants, and have been attacking our rule of law, the US Constitution, for 200 years.   They assassinated Abraham Lincoln because he resisted the establishment of a "central bank".   The assassins murdered him.    They cannot operate with a free hand as long as the US Constitution is controlling their actions.  


The US Constitution grants and defends life, liberty (non-imprisonment), and the pursuit of happiness to all men, as inalienable rights endowed to them by the Creator.    It only limits and controls GOVERNMENT, and shuts down their authoritarian, oppressive, invasive tyrannical tendencies.   Politicians serving the interests of the Order have for years attempted to change, bend, and stretch the US Constitution in order to free their hands and get at us.


The government of the United States derives its power from the consent of the governed, and all men are created equal.  (Not "evolved" equally, but created).   The first thing they do when they take their oath of office is swear to defend the US Constitution, but they break this oath often, and get away with it.   


When the government is afraid, there is justice and liberty;  when the people are afraid, there is tyranny.  


Yes, the US Constitution leaves no room for tyrants to take control.   Through free public education, Humanism is promoted (an atheist religion promoting situation ethics).   The conspiracy of the globalistic Illuminists is to establish a world government (U.N.) by "educating" the children with evolution-communism-Humanism ideals, and have the nations of the Earth submit to the global laws, and slowly surrender their arms in exchange for the military protection of the World Government.   The objective is world peace, accomplished by the "peace keepers", the U.N. strike forces.    The Humanist Manifesto reveals the ultimate objectives of the new world order, and seeks to eliminate the family unit and all competing religions.


There has been a constant attack against the US Constitution, the rule of Law we are ruled by in our Republic.   The average person hears "democracy" so often, they accept it.   The Nazi party (NSDAP) was made up of social democrats.  Candidates, presidents, and the media use the word democracy sometimes correctly, that is when they describe the process used in electing those who represent us.   Our form of government, however, is not a democracy; it is a republican form of government, and that government is controlled and kept in check by the rule of law, the US Constitution.   


"We the people" are the government, and we elect those who represent our will, so those governed over allow and consent to the policies of that government.   As the world grows increasingly reprobate morally, we witness scandalous behavior at every level of society.  


The majority doesn't rule over our people, the rule of Law does, expressed in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.   The majority simply elects our representatives, who are elected to defend the US Constitution.   George Washington warned us long ago:

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force.   Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."


If we were ruled by what the majority wanted, we would be a mob-ruled nation.  Or, we would be ruled over by the tyranny, as most of the countries of Europe we escaped from have been. Persecution of any minority is not justice, and cannot lead to peace.   We are seeing the last days of the US Constitution now, and soon authoritarian, tyrannical billionaire-lawyers will enslave us even more through higher taxation, national debt, high interest rates, and national emergencies engineered by manipulation.   High courts are misinterpreting the Constitution, which was instituted for the sole purpose of controlling the government, not the citizens. 


Courts are molding LAWS through their twisted decisions, countering what legislators have established.  Ultimately, they are the force behind this activism in the judges.  All small businesses will be out-lawed, and Socialism will grow in demand,  to attempt to solve all the problems for the citizens.


The military industrial complex, and the shadow government guided by the CFR, have already entrenched themselves (infiltration), but the population

doesn't realize it yet.   The "Order" uses the central bank (Federal Reserve) to fill its treasuries.   With wealth and power, there is nothing they cannot

accomplish.    They control where and when The Scriptures may be quoted in public;  and soon they will out-law possessing them, since the new laws concerning "hate crimes" will enable them to do so.  This will not be the first time the RCC outlawed the possession of the Scriptures;  among the "dogmas" (official teachings) you will find that in 1229 the Scriptures were forbidden to all "laymen".   This is against Yn. 5:39, 8:31, and 2 Tim. 3:15-17.   The vast majority of the "priests" of Catholicism were not permitted to read Scripture -- they truly were "dark ages" between Constantine and the Reformation.


There's quite a bit more to consider.   There's a separating taking place between the sheep and the goats, between the two world-views.

The Ten Commandments display was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court building.  There was a good reason for the move: You can't post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and Thou Shall Not Lie, in a building full of politicians and lawyers without creating a hostile work environment.  ----  from anonymous Email


Countries NOT eligible to sit on the UN Security Council:     Israel

The Illuminati seeds to destroy civilization, so they may set those they choose in rulership.   They openly serve ha shatan under a Latin term, "Lucifer", meaning "bringer of light".  They infiltrate governments and businesses to set powers against one another.

All Illuminati members are 33rd Degree Masons.

The Illuminati strives to accomplish these main objectives:

1) Abolition of the Monarchy and all ordered government.
2) Abolition of private property.
3) Abolition of inheritance.
4) Abolition of patriotism.
5) Abolition of the family, through the abolition of marriage, all morality, and the institution of communal education for children.
6) Abolition of all religion.




1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.  (Note that item #1 is about population control - for a sustainable, equitable, manageable society!   This is why ABORTION is such a huge issue for them to "keep legal".  They will have to murder much more than the unborn to achieve their goals.  They are concerned about the limited natural resources and current rates of consumption, so they are going to foment viral pandemics, to which a selected few will be immune). 
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.   (Notice this wording softens the idea of
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.    (religious fanatics will be cured or eliminated).
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.    (The Hague is already the NWO court)
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.    (If you don't produce, you're a burden, and must be eliminated - cleansing).
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

The Blue Lodge (Symbolic Lodge of Masonry):

(Similar levels of advancement can be seen in the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Eagle Scouts;  instead of "knights", the young are promoted as "scouts").

1) Entered Apprentice
2) Fellow-Craft
3) Master Mason

Swords, titles, snakes, knight stuff, and oaths to keep a secret are the constant "mesmerization" each initiate endures.   These oaths all lead up to the ultimate revelation at the 30th degree, when the "BIG SECRET" is finally revealed.   But, smart people like you (reading this) can find out anything with the web  --  but even when told in advance, most will not believe it when told.   Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma: "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple.  Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry...It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain." Lodge of Perfection (Scottish Rite or Ancient and Accepted Scotch Rite):

4) Secret Master
5) Perfect Master
6) Intimate Secretary
7) Provost and Judge
8) Intendant of the Building
9) Master Elect of Nine
10) Elect of Fifteen
11) Sublime Master Elected (Sublime Knights Elect of the Twelve)
12) Grand Master Architect
13) Master of the Ninth Arch (Knight of the Ninth Arch)
14) Grand Elect Mason
Council of Princes of Jerusalem:
15) Knight of the East (Knight of the Sword)
16) Prince of Jerusalem
Chapter of Rose-Croix
17) Knight of the East and West
18) Prince of Rose-Croix (Knight of the Eagle)
The Consistory (Council of Kadosh)
19) Grand Pontiff
20) Master Ad Vitam (Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges)
21) Patriarch Noachite (Prussian Knight)
22) Prince of Libanus (Knight of the Royal Axe)
23) Chief of the Tabernacle
24) Prince of the Tabernacle
26) Prince of Mercy
27) Commander of the Temple
28) Knight of the Sun (Prince Adept)
29) Knight of St. Andrew
30) Grand Elect Knight of Kadosh
31) Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
32) Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret  -  Supreme Council
33) Sovereign Grand Inspector General

The Knights Templar (WARRIOR MONKS)


U.N.*:  Presently, probably the most dangerous organization on the face of the Earth.   As time goes on, its fascist tentacles grow stronger and longer on the throat of this world.   It is the instrument of the men who worship "reason", the illuminati.   Watch the office of the Secretary General;  but perceive the puppet masters behind the office  -  the elite globalists of the N.W.O.   Senator Kennedy is working to destroy the Constitution with its freedom of conscience, and individual liberty.

Evolution/Darwinism, Socialism/Communism, Globalism/World Government, Atheism/Humanism; the public education of our children with these principles is their strategy.   The United Nations is a Humanist organization, and will never give up.   Our knowledge of their agenda is the key to our freedom.   Those who know the truth cannot be controlled by evil and deception;  it sets us free.

Agenda 21Agenda 21 - In one easy lesson:according to them, yea right!

What is Sustainable Development?

According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.  Social Equity (Social Justice) Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources fforded us by society and the environment.” Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social justice. All part of Agenda 21 policy. 

Economic Prosperity?

Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies. 
Local Sustainable Development policies Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.

Who is behind it?

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process.

Where did it originate?

The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21.

What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?

More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21. As a result, with the assistance of groups like ICLEI, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the nation.
Revealing Quotes From the Planners
“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced    ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR

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