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Survival Food Company Urgently Contacted By FEMA – Is a War Or Disaster Looming?


Recently my friend who owns a preparedness and survival food company was contacted by FEMA and the questions might scare you.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

By Shepard Ambellas
August 3, 2013


Recently my friend Matt, the owner of was contacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by way of email, leading on that something is ready to pop off.

Matt being the patriot he is immediately contacted me with this disturbing news. He even provided screenshots of the actual email sent by a FEMA representative. The names and revealing information have been blurred out.


Actual email recieved by Matt of (Image:

Matt of wrote, “here we are, August 2013 and FEMA once again is trying to buy up large stockpiles of food. And they don’t want anyone to know it, and they want to take immediately delivery… I’ve studied history. That is what got me into preparedness in the first place. History has shown us time after time that those who depend on the government to come to their aid during a disaster are the ones waiting the longest for help. Sometimes help never comes…or comes too late.


I do not believe these critical emergency food supplies should be in the hands of the government, stored in some secret warehouse only to be brought out and distributed to their own agencies first,  with the rest of us getting table scraps long after we need it.

These life-saving meals belong in the hands of people like you and me. This is why I declined the opportunity to sell to the Department of Homeland Security.

But let’s not forget the most important part of this: Why the sudden sense of urgency? What do they know that we do not?

I’m not one to cry that the sky is always falling, but when DHS/FEMA make a move to quietly buy up emergency food supplies and ask how much we can ship within 24 hours…I think this is far enough outside the realm of what is “normal” to beg some questions.

Fortunately I’ve been in this business long enough to predict what happens next. One or more of the other “survival companies” out there will inevitably see a chance to make a quick buck from Uncle Sam (which is really paid for by us, the taxpayer). This could create a run on many of the core raw ingredients used by emergency food makers that will cause a ripple effect throughout the industry as supply chains become bottle-necked handling the FEMA/DHS request.”

This is extremely disturbing to know.

What is the government gearing up for? A major disaster or war they know is coming?


                                                                    NEWS REPORT RECIEVED:  AUGUST 8, 2013




(Intellihub) – As Nashua, NH, residents witness armored vehicles patrolling the streets of their usually peaceful town, blogger Pamela Rae Schuffert reports getting numerous phone calls from West Virginia, Florida, and Georgia regarding military transport jets landing in numerous cities across the country. Is America preparing for a military operation within its borders?

Today, the New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition released the photos of an armored vehicle and the accompanying helmeted personnel riding with them in an area of Nashua. Judging by the stamp on the photos, these were taken late Friday morning, May 17, by the city resident who the NHTPC claim to know personally.

NHTPS also reported a local resident calling the Nashua Police Department to get some answers as to who these individuals were and why they were roaming the streets in this armored tank-like vehicle.

The concerned citizen did not get any conclusive answers to his questions. In the meanwhile, blogger Pamela Rae Schuffert claims she was getting numerous calls from West Virginia, Jacksonville, and Camp Atterbury regarding unusually heavy air-traffic in those regions.

People reported seeing huge military transport jets landing in military bases all over the country. “Just had a phone call from a man in Jacksonville Florida who lives right on the flight path of the Naval Air station there who advised that starting early yesterday morning there has been a constant flow of huge unmarked military transport planes landing non-stop since.

He thinks they’re C130′s and C17′s. He said he’s never in all the years there seen more than a dozen per day. These jets are silver and plain, no tail markings”, writes Schuffert in her blog. ”I had several high level militia members call me with Intel which confirmed on UN soldiers being flown into Indiana on 130’s and C17’s, being issued US army name tapes and ranks, and being put under order of DHS on top of that multiple armed swat raids being led by IRS in Texas, Florida, Mississippi and Georgia,” she continues. Schuffert also adds that when soldiers ask their military command about incoming flights, they are told “you did not see what you thought you saw”.

At this point, one might only wonder why the US flies in foreign troops and puts heavily armored vehicles on the streets without making any formal announcements on the issue. Are these developments a part of US police militarization campaign or does US prepare for a civil war? Schuffert suggests foreign troops and armored vehicles can soon be used under martial law in the US. “The reason is,” she writes, “that under martial law, the foreign troops will perform the dirty work that US troops don’t really want to do against their fellow Americans.”

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UPDATE 21JUN2013:Foreign Troops and Armored Vehicles Spotted in NH, FL, WV

Boysel was the military source I interviewed for many hours in the summer of 2008, admitting to me how he was assigned to train his  men in platoon 64 how to operate the 6 foot MODERN GUILLOTINES in a secret partially underground facility in FORT LEWIS, WASHINGTON.

What I did not mention in the previous "MILITARY GUILLOTINES" report, was his OTHER information regarding revelations on PENTAGON BLACK OPS.

He told me that there were in fact 14 UNDERGOUND FLOORS beneath the Pentagon. And during his specialized training, he had been taken to this underground operation and shown many things beneath the Pentagon, including the CREATING OF GENETIC MONSTROSITIES.

Many refer to these as "ALIENS " etc.

But in this case they were NOT "aliens from outer space," but rather military genetic manipulations.

URGENT !   A soldiers message to americans


  ARMY ?


Sobering Prophetic WARNING for Christians USA   

    By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective...and on behalf of the endangered American people-    

For years, I have grieved and lamented over the repeated insider revelations of the PLANNED PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH in America under martial law. Former NWO planners admitted to me that severe persecutions are planned against the Christians. Prisoner boxcars with shackles. FEMA seizing churches. FEMA detention camps. Beheadings. And more. Yes, it is ALL true and it is coming to this nation.


And because I love God's people, I have grieved and wept and mourned and fasted and cried out to God for many years on behalf of His endangered elect in America. So much of my personal sacrifice to continue in this difficult journalism ministry has been on their behalf, to forewarn them and wake them up.

But finally, God spoke to me by His Holy Spirit of revelation one day about this. He told me words I did not frankly want to hear...but had to. He reminded me of something that I already knew, that there was much sin and compromise in the churches of America today. That many who professed to know Him and be His, were living in sin and really did not know Him.

God reminded me of what He did so man years ago to ancient Israel and Judah, when they professed to be "God's chosen people, " but in fact were living in sin and compromise. 


Because sin that is not repented of always brings JUDGMENT, God reminded me of the judgments He was compelled to send against them in the forms of war, famine, persecution and other forms of judgment as well. And then He told me that AMERICA WAS NO BETTER. 


God's holy character and nature does not change throughout the eternal ages. A holy God who was grieved with the sins of Israel/Judah and His professing "chosen people," is today grieved with  the manifold sins of this nation that professes to be "one nation UNDER GOD." Anytime people profess to be "God's people, " there is a higher accountability before Him, and greater judgment as well.

And this same Almighty God is fully capable  of bringing JUDGMENT UPON AMERICA today. "I AM the Lord: I CHANGE NOT." 

 Just as He permitted enemy armies to invade Jerusalem and Israel, and brought famine and pestilence and other judgments to bring His people to brokenness and repentance, so He is capable of judging our nation today.

Does not the Bible state to us clearly, that JUDGMENT BEGINS IN THE HOUSE OF GOD?


This I knew from cold, hard experience. I had lived on the grounds of a former Christian television ministry for 13 revealing years. This resort included a hotel and lodges, and Christians from all over America came to spend time there. Through this, I was provided with much revelation of the state of Christianity in America today. And what I observed shocked me.

There was sinful compromise among the highest levels of leadership in this formerly famous televangelism outreach. Homosexuality: the former head of this ministry solicited his security guards and cameramen for sex frequently, as they later admitted to me after his fall.

 There was wife- swapping at the highest levels of leadership. Wild private parties with alcohol were held in leadership's private penthouse apartment on the fourth floor of the hotel. Leaderships' children frequently involved in parties with sex and alcohol. 

I can never forget the open admission of one of leadership's children who came to a youth meeting one night that I attended. She came to the front and confessed that she had gotten away from the Lord, and admitted to participating in sinful activities and asked for prayer. Sadly, this was widespread among children of leadership.

There were even two resident prostitutes in the famed hotel, Lonnie from Montana and Debbie from South Carolina. And every time the hotel security guards passed by, they merely smiled and winked at these gals. I know, because I witnessed all this personally.

The hotel bellmen were clandestinely bringing alcohol and drugs to the lovely young ladies in hotel rooms, partying secretly with them while their parents were attending various Christian functions on the grounds.

I observed sin in the midst of both ministry participants and the Christians  who came to stay at this Christian retreat. And this continually broke my heart. Many other good Christians of conscience and integrity who worked in this ministry were also deeply troubled by what they observed there, just as I was.

Finally, concerned Christians like myself living and ministering there could no longer tolerate the sin, the hypocrisy, the compromise that brought such shame to the name of "Christian. We wept before God and fasted and prayed and cried out for God to either bring leadership to brokenness and repentance, or SHUT THIS ENTIRE OPERATION DOWN. 

And because no true repentance was found, God indeed shut it down, to never be restored to the original founders again. 


The very week that the former leader went on trial for financial corruption and other offenses, Hurricane Hugo came roaring through the entire resort and TV ministry, destroying many buildings completely. The hotel suffered massive water damage, and many facilities were so damaged they had to be torn down.

This WAS a token of the manifest judgment of God on the sin in this place professing to be a "Christian ministry." The many visions God had given me of the place reduced to ruins and never restored to it's former glory because of sin, finally came to pass. 

The words God had given me with those visions were, "They were warned many times to REPENT, but WOULD NOT." And thus, ICHABOD ("the glory of God has departed") was written by the fingers of God over this former ministry that began well, but FELL BECAUSE OF SIN.


I remember visiting this place several years later after it's fall. I walked among the ruins of former buildings. I gazed at the foundations of some buildings razed to the ground. Other buildings were hopelessly damaged.


Former church building and television studios

A once beautiful grounds with  valid ministry in her beginning, was brought to utter judgment and to ruins, because of the sins of those who professed to be "God's people" who REFUSED TO REPENT. And the fear of God in my heart was fully reinforced as I carefully noted all of this. 

It was to become a painful lesson I shall never forget, how the destructive power of sin and rebellion against God will always bring JUDGMENT in the end.

I am a direct descendant of the famed Mayflower Pilgrims, brought to these shores by the direct leading and providence of the Living God. I know America's true Christian heritage and history, and am frankly weary of the secular humanist rewriting of America's true Christian history and heritage, trying to erase God and His people from it.

In so many ways, America began well due to her majority of genuine and sincere Christians who helped to found a nation under God. 

But as the ungodly have sought continually to move America and her people away from God and His commandments, America is slowly succumbing to such deadly tactics. Sin has become rampant throughout the government, the school system, and in every sector of American society now.

And that includes throughout THE CHURCHES AND THEIR INSTITUTIONS IN AMERICA TODAY. I have witnessed this with my own eyes throughout my 42 years as a born again Christian, having been trained in a Bible college and involved in many ministries plus traveling across this nation repeatedly and visiting many churches.

God has made it abundantly clear to me that much of the suffering that Christians in America shall face someday, is being allowed as A ROD OF JUDGMENT UPON THE DISOBEDIENT WHO PROFESS TO BE "CHRISTIANS" BUT WHOSE LIFESTYLES DENY THIS!




All Dictators Need Their Own Police Force

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”


By J.D. Longstreet (Bio and Archives)  Thursday, July 5, 2012 | Print friendly | Subscribe | Email U


Longstreet is a conservative Southern American (A native sandlapper and an adopted Tar Heel) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in “America First”.

He is a thirty-year veteran of the broadcasting business, as an “in the field” and “on-air” news reporter (contributing to radio, TV, and newspapers) and a conservative broadcast commentator.

Longstreet is a veteran of the US Army and US Army Reserve. He is a member of the American Legion and the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  A lifelong Christian, Longstreet subscribes to “old Lutheranism” to express and exercise his faith.

Other articles by Longstreet are posted at “Omega Dispatch

Why do we need this Prayer Summit ? To show a united stand and warn our government that we wont tolerate the destruction of God's United States any longer. if they flagrantly defy us. It will be clear to the whole world that it is a wicked government and not a wicked people.

What, a picture of Charles Darwin on a $10 U.S. bill—along with the words, “In Man we Trust”? Surely, that wouldn’t happen in the United States?
Since 2000, Darwin’s image has appeared on England’s £10 pound note!
“It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).

In the United Kingdom. British society, including most of its churches, has enthusiastically embraced Darwin’s ideas and in essence is trusting in man rather than God. Since 2000, Darwin’s image has appeared on England’s £10 pound note!

Now, here in America, doesn’t the Pledge of Allegiance say “one nation under God”? Yes, but does that statement still largely hold true for this country? Let’s look.

America, as you know, was built on the foundation of God’s Word—the Bible. Verses like Psalm 40:4 (“Blessed is that man who makes the LORD his trust”) and Psalm 56:11 (“In God I have put my trust”) led to the phrase “In God We Trust” being placed on U.S. Currency.
Did you know that when standing in the U.S. Capitol’s chamber of the House of Representatives there is a sculpture of Moses facing the Speaker of the House (and thus also faces the president when he gives his annual State of the Union address).

These are reminders of how important God’s law was in determining the foundational principles for this nation.
But America, because the anti-Christ is now an influence in our government, is forcing the change of its America's foundation.

1. The public schools changed foundation. They have now gone full circle and all but thrown out the God of the Bible, the Bible itself, prayer, and creation. The Bible and the Christian God are no longer the foundation of the public education system; they have been replaced with the religion of naturalism (atheism). Students are now taught that all of reality (the universe, life, etc.) is explained by natural processes. So the foundation today? Man’s opinions, not God’s truth.
2. The court system changed foundation. In many cases, the Ten Commandments have been banned from being displayed in courts and other public settings. Despite multiple depictions of the Ten Commandments in America’s Supreme Court building, more and more judges are now deciding cases based on contemporary cultural values.

The culture as a whole has changed foundation. Nativity scenes, crosses, the Ten Commandments—anything that is connected to Christianity has by and large been eliminated from public places—whether by law or by pressure tactics. There is even a continuing battle by some to remove “Christ” from Christmas in both public and private settings. Again, the culture as a whole has changed foundation from trusting in God to trusting in man.
4. Much of the church has changed foundation. Most church leaders (and most people in the church) have accepted the idea that the earth is millions of years old and the associated evolutionary ideas; they have reinterpreted God’s Word in Genesis. These churchgoers have made man the authority instead of God. Generations of people in the church have grown up believing they should trust man first. Also, about 90% of young people have attended public schools where they are taught to trust in man, not God.

No. America is fast becoming, no longer “one nation under God.” It is now “one nation under man.”
This change was clearly illustrated in the recent national elections, where it was obvious that most voters were looking to fallible, sinful man to solve their problems, instead of God and His Word. Oh, how we should be shouting from the rooftops to remind this nation that “the fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe” (Psalm 29:25).

Next month is the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, and this coming October is the 150th anniversary of the publication of his book that has changed the world (On the Origin of Species). There are numerous celebrations planned across America, and Darwin will be exalted as never before. Even hundreds of churches have signed up to praise Darwin (not God!) next month on what is called “Evolution Weekend.”
Many Americans are celebrating something else: a change from “under God” to “under man.” I believe that—spiritually speaking—where the United Kingdom is today, America will be tomorrow... if we allow this trend to continue.

Where else are we currently in danger from the anti-Christ plan for the world? Have a look at the United Nations Agenda 21. It won't come with flashing lights announcing that it's part of a global standardization program to inventory, monitor, and control every aspect of your life.
Example? Common Core is the 'new' inventory and control system adopted by nearly every state in the US to fully implement Skinnerian training. This system creates people who will go along to get along, who will be 'good obedient citizens'. RESIST. TELL YOUR SCHOOL BOARD THAT YOU WANT OUT OF COMMON CORE. This is a top down federal/global system for pseudo-education and is a tremendous threat to our independence as individuals and as a nation.

But God has a message for us:
Have you begun to place too much trust in man and less trust in God? Now is the time to turn back to God, and to lead your loved ones to do the same! Invite them to join you in prayer and action to bring the United States of America back to One Nation under God. That includes you, your pastors and your families. Join every Christian and good and God loving Person to join one another to honor the Brave Soldiers and Men and women who fought for this country, Gods Country.

Powerful anti-Christi entities /representatives are destroying this nation which was founded when Christian Men and Women fled Europe in search of a new land where they could begin their own government which /who would allow them freedom to practice the
Christian Religion without persecution.

Our Amendment rights were created by Christian Men who prayed for guidance and designed and wrote America's Constitution so that Government could not interfere with their Christian practice and beliefs. That is why state and government were designed to be kept separate. Not so government could rule that Christian religion has no place in the United States and in government run/funded institutions, schools etc... Our now more than ever anti-Christ government has very slyly twisted our founding fathers intentions and it is time for us to take our country rightfully back. Gods way, through prayer and godly conviction. Through Prayer Summits, demanding our voice be heard. Rallies and protests around the world are taking place, such as the Prayer Summit were asking you join us in on this Memorial Day May 27, 2013.
God warns us to protect our children, less were better off at the bottom of the ocean with a boulder tied around our neck. Were only a day away from attending church with our little innocent impressionable children while a gay marriage ceremony is being held - that our pastor is forced to perform or he'll be held in jail, sued, and your church probably shut down. Many Homosexuals are pedophiles, this is fact( Please read my testimony in "Homosexuality."). Homosexuality is a product of child abuse. Will your child be safe using your church bathroom? No! No, he /she will not - not with out your direct constant supervision.

America is just months away from living in a real time city of Sodom and Gomorrah. I've been there I know. (read “Homosexuality”) What’s next in a long line of successful attacks against Gods people? God indeed is sounding the horn. All may even seem lost but God warns do not hide your face. That will not save you. Rather take up your shield and your sword and be swift and do not miss your target. God made us a fearless people by design and we must fight the good fight.
Let me warn you - The anti-Christ wants to take over America and show the world that he has done so. Mock America, hold us up like a trophy and mock God. Mock Good. Then he wants to use America to run his will over the rest of the world. You can say OK, what can we do about it. God predicted it and he will come down and fight the fight and win, so why should I worry about it.

God has prepared us for this day since our Christian Rebirth, since our coming to the lord our God, our good. we have ourselves prepared and we have our instructions, to live by his 10 commandments. God has told us that if we are diligent we will win his victory and glory will be his and ours in everlasting life. God commands us that we are to fight to our last breath Until he comes to take us home and that is his command. He is our commander and we must obey him because we are indeed Christians and we love our God!
Why should you go out into the streets on Memorial Day take your prayers, families, your signs, your flags. Because today is the first day of the rest of your lives, your neighbors lives, your children's lives. Your Future, the future of our country, very importantly your children's future, and the future of Christianity for the rest of the days of life.
Your not convinced or you don’t understand what I mean by our anti-Christ government.

Let me take you for an eye opening history lesson, down an American river and show you where our government has firmly told us we ARE going and they aren’t asking us if we like it or not. Their misguiding us ( the most gentle term I can use) and their making it clear they don’t care if we like it or not.

In 1620 aboard the Mayflower, John Winthrop told the colonists longing to reach the shores of the New World: "We have entered into a covenant with God for this work." Near the end of the next century, at the time of the founding of the United States of America a less pious man, Benjamin Franklin, proposed that the seal of the nation should bear an impression of the waters of the Red Sea submerging the armies of Pharaoh. This new nation was to be free of the tyranny that marked the nations of the Old World.

The First Amendment was established to keep government out of religion, who can deny this?

From the very beginning religious freedom was seen as God’s will, and America was understood as central to God’s plan for the world. When the Civil War threatened to destroy the nation, President Abraham Lincoln argued that preserving the Union was not only necessary to protect fundamental freedoms, but was also the will of God.

As American Christians, we have good reasons for believing that our nation is not only blessed, but has a heritage of freedom and government through law that is far more consistent with the teaching of scripture than many other countries of the world. Yet, much of what we see so favorably, as Americans, looks hypocritical to people living in other countries because we have allowed corrupt values to overshadow those of God's Commandments.

America demands that corruption be stamped out in countries. Yet America has been reluctant to acknowledge and root out corrupt corporate practices at home.

The debate about the Pledge of Allegiance is important, it concerns whether or not the Pledge contains the phrase "under God." As long as anyone who does not believe in God is free to refrain from saying the Pledge, having the phrase "under God" in the Pledge does not violate the first amendment.

The real issue raised by this controversy is the meaning given to the phrase "under God." Will we, and other Americans, take to heart the meaning of our American and Christian ideals? Will all of us, who talk about living "under God," take to heart the responsibilities, as well as the joys and the blessings, that come with this faith?

Whether or not we pledge our allegiance to one nation "under God," our allegiance to our nation should be "under" our allegiance to God. If God is God, then our country is "under God," whether we say so or not. If God is just, then America is called to be just. If God is forgiving, then Americans are called to be forgiving. If God is our God, then we are called to be faithful.



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