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He believes if the United States moves towards war with Syria it will surely result in World War 3.

After news broke of the alleged chemical weapons attack, Secretary of State John Kerry took to the stage giving a speech in which he called the attack a “cowardly crime” and a moral “obscenity.” Kerry claims to have “undeniable” proof of the Syrian government’s guilt, however unsurprisingly he failed to offer it to the public.

In an interview with a Russian newspaper, Syrian President Bashar Assad called the allegations “preposterous” and “completely politicized,” reported the LA Times. “How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located?”

Syria: US Aided Terrorists

in Chemical Attack, Europe


Anthony Gucciardi
August 28, 2013


In an explosive declaration, Syria’s deputy

foreign minister has now come out on record

in declaring that the US, Britain, and France were instrumental in aiding the chemical attacks on Syria through a network of terrorists inside the country.

Going further with the intel on the subject, the Syrian official now says that the next target will be Europe. Confirming earlier reports by myself and powerhouse journalist Paul


Joseph Watson that there was a US government element involved in the planning of the key chemical attacks as documented by Yahoo News, the deputy foreign minister told reporters outside of the Four Seasons hotel in Damascus that he had even presented the United Nations chemical weapons inspectors with bombshell information that reveals the US helped in ‘arming terrorist groups’ to carry out the attacks.

The admission is now featured on Reuters as a headline piece titled ‘Syria says ‘terrorists’ will strike Europe with chemical weapons’. The report goes on to state:

“Syria’s deputy foreign minister said on Wednesday that the United States, Britain and France helped “terrorists” use chemical weapons in Syria, and that the same groups would soon use them against Europe. Speaking to reporters outside the Four Seasons hotel in Damascus, Faisal Maqdad said he had presented U.N. chemical weapons inspectors with evidence that “armed terrorist groups” had used sarin gas in all the sites of alleged attacks.”

To break it down plainly, the deputy foreign minister is now adding power behind the January 2013 leaked emails that revealed plans for a major chemical attack as a pretext to war. And regardless of the validity of these emails, it highlights the consistent patterns of staged attacks in order to launch military action. In one such report from Yahoo News, the story reads:

“The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown. As per the scheme ‘Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to usechemical weapons,’ the Daily Mail reports.”

But it’s not just the Syrian government saying this, or even just the largest website in the world (Yahoo) publishing this information through AIN. Even World Net Daily and highly reputable researcher Dr. Jerome Corsi have reached the same conclusions in their own investigations that this chemical attack was likely carried out by the Obama-backed rebels. Yesterday, Dr. Jerome Corsi shared similar revelations that now coincide with this groundbreaking report.

Lameduck President's Continuing Globetrotting Forays - Clinton's Latest Trip Pegged at $50 Million -- 

Most Expensive Presidential Trip to date!


There he goes again. Our globe-trotting president was flying high this month, traveling to Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Oman, and Switzerland. That brings the total out-of-country days for ex-President Clinton, the Traveler-in-Chief, to 212. He's racked up visits to 66 countries -- some more than once -- and 2 territories not recognized as countries. He is, by any measure, the most traveled U.S. president ever.


And just how much is this latest foray estimated to cost the American taxpayer? ABC News, apparently relying on unnamed Pentagon sources, has reported a price tag: a cool $50 million -- the "most expensive overseas trip ever taken by a president," as they put it during the March 23 broadcast of World News Tonight. And because the newscast did not fully identify the costs, it is unclear if this estimate includes only military costs - or even only Air Force costs.


Meanwhile, Air Force Times also pegged the cost at $50 million [3/27/00], implying this figure reflects Air Force costs alone. The article also identifies the numbers and types of aircraft dedicated to the trip: 14 C-17 Globemaster IIIs; 12 C-5 Galaxys, 3 C-141 Starlifters; and 2 C-130 Hercules. In addition, 7 KC-10 Extenders and 39 KC-135 Stratotankers were to deploy. The return mission was to require the same types and numbers of assets with some exceptions, but to include an additional 10 Galaxys and 3 more Stratotankers.


ABC News' John McWethy, while traveling with the President -- who was accompanied by daughter Chelsea and his mother-in-law -- on the recent trip to South Asia, reported that:

"Ninety percent of the costs [cited by the World News Tonight anchor at $50 million] are for airplanes, drawn from an Air Force that is already stressed meeting military and humanitarian commitments overseas. When a President travels, all the public ever sees is Air Force One, but consider this: Seventy-seven other Air Force planes are being used on this one trip, including 26 of the biggest transports, C-5s and C-17s" [Emphasis added].


The Marines also were called in to support this jaunt, as noted by the Washington Times on March 24:

"The U.S. military sent 10 CH-53 helicopters to India and Pakistan to support President Clinton's ongoing road trip. The large helicopters flew from the Marine Corps base at Kanehoe Bay, Hawaii, to ferry Mr. Clinton, daughter Chelsea and other friends of Bill.

"The helos arrived via giant U.S. Air Force C-5 transport aircraft. In addition, the Marines dispatched about 100 troops for air crews and support."

It is unclear whether ABC's or Air Force Times' estimate included the costs of these helicopters flown in from Hawaii, which - according to the General Accounting Office (GAO), the official auditor for Congress - cost $3,658 per hour to operate.


    Security Costs Are Over and Above Transportation and Logistical Costs - It's a Privilege, Not a Perk!

The Clintons have made a $100-million fortune since leaving the White House, but a Politico analysis found that hasn’t kept Bill Clinton from taking full advantage of the publicly funded perks offered to ex-presidents.


In fact, his presidential retirement benefits cost taxpayers almost as much as those of the other two living ex-presidents combined.


The price tag for Clinton’s federal retirement allowance from 2001 through the end of this year will run $8 million, compared to $5.5 million for George H. W. Bush’s and $4 million for Jimmy Carter’s during the same period.


Since 2001, Clinton has received more of almost every benefit available to former presidents — from his pension to his staff’s salaries and benefits to supplies. His $420,000 phone bill and $3.2 million office rent tab both nearly surpassed the totals rung up for those purposes by Bush, Carter and the late former presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan combined. As a group, they spent $484,000 on telephone service and $3.8 million on rent in the same span.


Politico’s analysis comes on the heels of the release last week of seven years' worth of Clinton family tax documents. They showed that the Clintons pulled in $111 million in total income from 2000, their last year in the White House, through 2007.


Given Bill Clinton’s earning potential and that of future ex-presidents, “the benefits taxpayers shell out for their care and feeding just don’t make sense anymore,” contended Pete Sepp, spokesman for the fiscally conservative, nonprofit National Taxpayers Union.


But Jay Carson, who worked for Clinton after his presidency and now serves as a spokesman for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign, said the former president's retirement allowances are justified.


Congress passed the Former Presidents Act in 1958, after news spread of the financial struggles of former President Harry Truman. He wrote in his memoirs: “I could never lend myself to any transaction, however respectable, that would commercialize on the prestige and dignity of the office of the presidency.”


The act and subsequent legislation now entitle each former president to a pension, an office and staff, travel costs, mailing privileges and assorted other supplies, materials and services.


That’s to say nothing of lifetime Secret Service protection, which costs significantly more than discretionary retirement allowances. It was not included in Politico’s analysis because the agency doesn’t disclose its budget for protecting individuals. The Government Accountability Office in a 2001 report pegged the cost of protecting all former presidents from 1977 through 2000 to $370 million,


Former presidents can decide whether to accept the act’s retirement benefits, as well as how much to request.


I've had enough ! - Haven't you?  This is just one example of billions of Government financial abuses.  The abuses don't end there!...


The US Government Bankrolls the Engineering of Humans


Jon Rappoport  August 22, 2013


If you still remember a piece of paper called the US Constitution, you might wonder under what section of that document the government is permitted to alter the human species.

A current Pentagon plan to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus changing what the human body is and does… well, that is about as outrageous as you can get, when it comes to the violation of permitted federal powers.

Yet, the White House doesn’t care, nor does Congress, nor does the Supreme Court, nor does any federal agency or oversight department. It’s all right. It’s not a problem. It’s a “medical” program, you see. And therefore it will help people, and the government’s job is to help people.

This is the new version of the Constitution: “the government is here to help you, and anything it does in that regard is legal.” Sign up now. Get on the list. Help overrides anything written into the Constitution.



We can discuss Millions of Government abuses  - But action is called for - right Now!

The American People are just "One Gun-shot" away from "Freedom Suicide!"

Yuhei Sato, the governor of the Fukushima prefecture in Japan, has described a massive leak from a radioactive water storage tank at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as a national emergency.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said approximately 300 tons of the deadly water have leaked from the tanks. TEPCO said the leaks are continuing and the operator has yet to pinpoint the source of the leak. Water discovered near the plant contain extremely high radiation levels – about 100 millisieverts per hour.

Following the Tohoku 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, radiation levels of 400 millisieverts an hour – 167 times the average human’s annual dosage – were reported at the plant. Officials “detected 100 millisieverts per hour of radiation on the surface of puddles near the tanks. The maximum annual exposure limit for nuclear plant workers is 50 millisieverts,” the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation reported on Monday.

“This means you are exposed to the level of radiation in an hour that a nuclear plant worker is allowed to be exposed to in five years,” a TEPCO spokesman told a press conference, according to Reuters.

TEPCO admitted the toxic water may eventually contaminate groundwater and flow into the Pacific Ocean “in the longer term,” according to the news service. “We are transferring the contaminated water from a tank with a leakage problem to unbroken tanks, and retrieving leaked water and soil around it,” he explained.


In July, TEPCO admitted to a series of mistakes and missteps in the effort to contain and clean up the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. TEPCO admits groundwater near the plant is contaminated by radioactive matter and toxic water ends up in the sea. The inability of TEPCO to control the situation has cast doubts on whether it can successfully decommission the nuclear plant.


This article was posted: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 11:46 am

An ocean current called the North Pacific Gyre is bringing Japanese radiation to the West Coast of North America:

While many people assume that the ocean will dilute the Fukushima radiation, a previously-secret 1955 U.S. government report concluded that the ocean may not adequately dilute radiation from nuclear accidents, and there could be “pockets” and “streams” of highly-concentrated radiation.

Obama Administration Makes Secret Deal With Mexico To Help Illegal Immigrants In The Workplace

Michael Snyder\  American Dream  August 20, 2013


Instead of making sure that U.S. employers are not hiring illegal immigrants, the Obama administration has actually signed a secret deal with Mexico to protect “the rights” of illegal immigrants in the workplace.



Experts: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack “Suspicious”

Impartial analysts cast doubt on timing of story  Paul Joseph Watson  August 21, 2013

Impartial experts are casting doubt of the veracity of today’s alleged

chemical weapons attack in Syria, with numerous observers labeling

the timing of the story “suspicious”.

Up to 1,300 victims are alleged to have been killed in what opposition

sources are calling a “gas attack” on the towns of Zamalka and Ein

Tarma as UN inspectors visit nearby Damascus for a pre-planned \

investigation into allegations of chemical weapons used by both rebels

and the Syrian Army.

However, several impartial experts have cast doubt on the narrative

behind the footage, noting its all too convenient emergence just as

UN inspectors enter the country.

“Firstly, the timing is odd, bordering on suspicious,” writes BBC security

correspondent Frank Gardner. “Why would the Assad government, which

has recently been retaking ground from the rebels, carry out a chemical

attack while UN weapons inspectors are in the country?”

His suspicions are shared by Swedish diplomat and former UN weapons

inspector Rolf Ekeus, who told Reuters, “It would be very peculiar if it was

the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors

come into the country….at the least, it wouldn’t be very clever.”

Evidence strongly suggests that previous chemical weapons attacks in

Syria were carried out by FSA rebels and then blamed on Assad, in an

attempt to fulfil Barack Obama’s “red line” for US military intervention.

      NSA Funds "NEW” Secret $60 Million Dollar Data Lab -

Center will analyze information from private emails, cell phone calls, Google searches...



    The "average retierd American" recieves roughly $50,000 dollars in retirement bennefits during their retired years.

            How much more will you put up with America!

Media sources base conclusions on information by CIA’s FSA and terror organizations al-Nusra and al-Qaeda.

Kurt Nimmo  August 21, 2013


Impartial experts are casting doubt of the veracity of today’s alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, with numerous observers labeling the timing of the story “suspicious”.

Fox News, dominated by the neocon faction of the global elite, has placed the blame for the chemical attack in Syria on the al-Assad regime despite a noticeable lack of evidence. Fox News and other establishment media sources are basing their conclusions on information provided by “Syrian opposition groups,” in other words the CIA’s Free Syrian Army and the terror organizations al-Nusra and al-Qaeda.

The propaganda effort that will likely result in a U.S. and NATO invasion of Syria, with similar deadly after effects witnessed in Libya (30,000 dead), is being led by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the Local Coordination Committees in Syria, and the Syrian National Coalition.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is a one-man operation based in London run by Rami Abdulrahman, an anti-Assad activist. “Clearly for real journalists, Abdulrahman is a useless, utterly compromised source of information who has every reason to twist reality to suit his admittedly politically-motivated agenda of overthrowing the Syrian government,” writes Tony Cartalucci. “However, for a propagandist, he is a goldmine.”

The Local Coordination Committees is a faction of the opposition Syrian National Council, an organization represented at the 2012 Bilderberg meeting by Basma Qadamani. A document released by the Catholic lobby in France describes “the Syrian National Council as the military arm of the CIA” and “the military arm of American intelligence agencies,” according to al-Manar, a Lebanese satellite television station affiliated with Hezbollah.

The Syrian National Coalition is described by French investigative journalist Thierry Meyssan as “America’s new proxy” in Syria. The organization’s former president, Moaz al-Khatib, “is in truth a member of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Meyssan writes. Touted as an expert on international relations and diplomacy, al-Khatib instead “worked for six years for the al-Furat Petroleum Company (1985-91), a joint-venture between the national company and other foreign enterprises, including the Anglo-Dutch Shell, with whom he has maintained contact.”

Obviously, the sources providing information for the corporate media on the chemical attack in Syria, the result now being paraded on American television for its shock value, are far less than objective and are, in fact, at the forefront of a propaganda effort that will ultimately result in U.S. military participation in an attack on Syria and the military of Bashar al-Assad, a disciplined and dedicated military the CIA’s proxies have yet managed to decisively defeat on the battlefield.

Gun Confiscation Begins in California

Kit Daniels  August 21, 2013

As reported by David Knight, California law enforcement is now confiscating legally purchased guns from registered gun owners who have been labeled “Armed Prohibited Persons” (APPs.)


Police shoved two M16s within inches of gun owner Joe Mendez’s face during a raid on his house to seize his legally-purchased firearms.

Fourteen officers total were involved.

Police even showed up later to lie to Mendez’s wife about the raid, saying that they were only taking a report after her car was involved in a “hit and run.”

All of the targeted APPs had purchased their firearms legally but the State of California declared afterwards that they were prohibited from gun ownership due to minor misdemeanor convictions or mental health concerns.

Gov. Jerry Brown even signed a bill this past spring to expand the program by spending $24 million to hire an additional 36 officers for a total of 69 agents to track down nearly 20,000 people on the APP list.

Before they can embark on gun confiscations, officers perform “tedious, expensive and time-consuming work, requiring hours of background checks and cross-referencing,” as reported by NPR.

“There’s a lot of work that goes into these,” said California Dept. of Justice spokesperson Michelle Gregory to NPR. “People aren’t always home, there’s different stories as to where the firearms may be and there’s a lot of follow-up [that] needs to happen after.”

“So there’s still going to be a lot of work even after they come out to these homes trying to confiscate these weapons.”

In 2011, a gun confiscation sweep across 43 counties over a six week period resulted in over 1,200 firearms seized from 723 people.

Later on, the state can easily expand the list of “prohibited persons” to include even people who are behind on their state taxes or did not pay their toll fees on time.

This is clear evidence that gun registration ultimately leads to confiscation.


This article was posted: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at 11:41 am

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Air Force: Not Enough Drone Operators for Expanding Fleet

August 21, 2013


The US Air Force is now facing a shortage in the number of pilots able to operate the military’s quickly expanding drone fleet, according to a new report published by a top Washington, DC, think tank.

Houston Senior Air Force master sergeant Philip Monk, is seeking redress against the Air Force after his claim that he was discriminated against for his views on gay marriage, reports KTRK.

In his Military Equal Opportunity Complaint, Monk says that while on duty his female commander asked whether “he could agree that a verbal statement expressing religious or moral opposition to same-sex marriage was discrimination. Monk answered he did not agree that it was discrimination.”

Monk says when he failed to agree with his commander’s viewpoints, he was immediately relieved, stripped of his position and reassigned. The report states that Monk was then banned from reentering the unit building where he served in the 326th training squadron at the Lackland Air Force base.

Monk’s legal representative, Michael Berry of the Liberty Institute, said the Air Force’s reaction sends the message that “People of faith don’t have a place in the Air Force anymore.”

Monk has served his country loyally for 19 years, but believes he was treated unfairly for his religious beliefs.

I honestly felt that, May 4, 2013 signaled the beginning of WWlll - August 16, 2013

I am quite sure of it! God Bless America.

Saudi King Abdullah expresses support for Egypt crackdown


August 16, 2013

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has said his country supports Egypt’s fight on terrorism, describing the brutal crackdown on supporters of Morsi as the military-backed government’s “legitimate right.”

Related Articles

In calling for a "Day of Rage," the Brotherhood used the same name as that given to the most violent day of the uprising against Mubarak. That day, Jan. 28, 2011, marked protesters' victory over the police, who were forced to retreat.

The centre of the anti-Mubarak protests, Tahrir Square, was deserted on Friday, sealed off by the army.



Washington's influence over Cairo has been called into question following Mursi's overthrow. Since then Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have pledged $12 billion to Egypt, making them more prominent partners.

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its people and government stood and stand by today with its brothers in Egypt against terrorism," King Abdullah said in an uncompromising message read out on Saudi television.

"I call on the honest men of Egypt and the Arab and Muslim nations ... to stand as one man and with one heart in the face of attempts to destabilise a country that is at the forefront of Arab and Muslim history," he said.

Obama's refusal so far to cut off U.S. aid to Egypt suggests he does not wish to alienate the generals, despite the scale of the bloodshed in the suppression of Mursi supporters.


The United States urged its citizens to leave Egypt on Thursday and two of Europe's biggest tour operators, Germany's TUI and Thomas Cook Germany, said they were cancelling all trips to the country until Sept. 15.

Underscoring the deep divisions in the country, local residents helped the army block access to Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque, the site of the main Brotherhood sit-in that was swept away during Wednesday's police assault.

"We are here to prevent those filthy bastards from coming back," said Mohamed Ali, a 22-year-old business student.

Pro-army groups posted videos on the Internet of policemen they said had been tortured and killed by Islamist militants in recent days, including a bloodied, beaten police chief.

However, when a military helicopter flew low over Ramses Square, Brotherhood protesters held up shoes in a gesture of contempt, chanting "We will bring Sisi to the ground" and "Leave, leave, you traitor".

As the sound of teargas canisters being fired began, protesters - including young and old, men and women - donned surgical masks, gas masks and wrapped bandannas around their faces. Some rubbed Pepsi on their faces to counter the gas.

"Allahu akbar! (God is Greatest)" the crowd chanted.

Anger on the streets was directed at army commander General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who moved against Mursi last month after massive street rallies against his administration that had been dogged by accusations of incompetence and partisanship.

"The people want the butcher executed," said Mustafa Ibrahim, 37, referring to Sisi, as he marched with a crowd of several thousand on downtown Cairo under blazing summer sun.

The Brotherhood said in a statement: "The coup makers have lost all lost their minds, norms and principles today."

State television said 16 people died in clashes in Alexandria, Egypt's second city, and 140 were wounded. Eight protesters died in the coastal town of Damietta and five in Fayoum south of Cairo. The Suez Canal cities of Ismailia, Port Said and Suez all had deathtolls of four, as did Tanta in the Nile delta.

A police conscript was shot dead in the north of Cairo, state news agency MENA reported. Nile TV showed video of a gunman among Islamist protesters firing from a city bridge.

Witnesses said Mursi supporters ransacked a Catholic church and a Christian school in the city of Malawi. An Anglican church was also set ablaze. The Brotherhood, which has been accused of inciting anti-Christian sentiment, denies targeting churches.


Signalling his displeasure at the worst bloodshed in Egypt for generations, U.S. President Barack Obama said on Thursday normal cooperation with Cairo could not continue and announced the cancellation of military exercises with Egypt next month.

"We deplore violence against civilians," he said, but did not cut off $1.55 billion a year of mostly military U.S. aid.

The European Union asked its members to consider "appropriate measures" it could take, while Germany announced it was reviewing relations with Cairo.

The Egyptian presidency issued a statement criticising Obama, saying his comments were not based on "facts" and would strengthen violent groups that were committing "terrorist acts".

Some fear Egypt is turning back into the kind of police state that kept the veteran autocrat Hosni Mubarak in power for 30 years before his removal in 2011, as security institutions recover their confidence and reassert control.

On "yahoo answers"  a mis-informationist, (a person who twists the truth using media to confuse and redirect or squash real news) posted that this is not the case but that we have a 20 year agreement with Russia for 'disaster control."  Yes that is true and it was using this agreement that Obsama did infact request and reach an agreement to supply 15,000 troops right now to the U.S. state's for "crowd control."

15,000 Russian Troops Ready To Run USA DHS Security !

Obama Requests 15,000 Russian Troops For “Upcoming” Disaster
Posted by EU Times on Jun 27th, 2013 // 140 Comments 86


An unsettling report prepared by the Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) circulating in the Kremlin today on the just completed talks between Russia and the United States in Washington D.C. says that the Obama regime has requested at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster.

According to this report, this unprecedented request was made directly to Minister Vladimir Puchkov by US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Director Janet Napolitano who said these Russian troops would work “directly and jointly” with her Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), part of whose mission is to secure the continuity of the US government in the event of natural disasters or war.

​Passionate Christians Around

the World Show A Love for GoD.

anti-Christ Governments,

                    Shame all People.

I Call aLL America, Do GoDs WiLL

Psalm 118: "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."

Glenn Greenwald’s commentaries are becoming more and more defiant as he refuses to back down to what he today describes as “thuggish and aggressive behavior from the state.”

“The US and the UK governments go around the world threatening people all the time. It’s their modus operandi. They imprison whistleblowers. They try to criminalize journalism.” Greenwald, the man who facilitated Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks writes.

“And that’s just their recent behavior with regard to press freedoms: it’s to say nothing of all the invasions, bombings, renderings, torture and secrecy abuses for which that bullying, vengeful duo is responsible over the last decade.” he adds.

Greenwald also slams establishment journalists for cowardly submitting to authoritarian tactics:

“…The minute anyone refuses to meekly submit to that, or stands up to it, hordes of authoritarians – led by state-loyal journalists – immediately start objecting: how dare you raise your voice to the empire? How dare you not politely curtsey to the Queen and thank the UK government for what they have done.” he writes.

“…They believe in subservient journalism, not adversarial journalism. I only believe in the latter.” Greenwald asserts.

“If you want to start criminalizing (journalism), it means that you’re asking, as a citizen, to be kept ignorant and to allow people in power to conceal what they’re doing behind a wall of secrecy and to have no accountability or transparency,” he said. “Journalism is not a crime and it is not terrorism.”

Greenwald added that every single major news organisation in the world has classified information. “Reporting on what governments do in secret is what journalism is about.” he stated.

“So if you want to support the idea that states can just go and confiscate from journalists classified information, you should be demanding that your government go physically into newsrooms and seize whatever classified information is there,” he continued.

While stating that he had no direct evidence that the US government was involved in the detention of his partner David Miranda at Heathrow airport, Greenwald stated that he was “disturbed” that U.S. officials didn’t intervene.

“I don’t have evidence that the U.S. government ordered it,” he said. “But I’m very disturbed that my own government was aware of this foreign country’s intent to detain my partner and did nothing to discourage it or to protect the right of free press guaranteed in the First Amendment of The Constitution, or did anything else to protect the rights that we both have as human beings and that I have as an American and as a journalist.”

“Clearly, the U.S. government was perfectly happy to see this happen,” he asserted.

Hacked Baby Monitor Caught Spying On 2-Year-Old Girl In Texas

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted: 08/13/2013 7:19 pm EDT  |  Updated: 08/14/2013 10:07 am EDT


If you need another reason to make sure your networks are secure and up to date, here it is: hacked baby monitors.

In a true nightmare story, two Texas parents say they woke up this past weekend to hear a stranger's voice coming from the room of their 2-year-old girl.

"It felt like somebody broke into our house," Marc Gilbert told ABC affiliate KTRK.

As Gilbert walked down the hall and entered the room, he says he heard the voice say, "Wake up Allyson, you little [expletive]." The camera on their trusted baby monitor then rotated to watch Marc walk into the room as he rushed to unplug it.

Marc said Allyson has impaired hearing and apparently slept through the entire baby monitor incident. Regardless, it has left the family shaken.

"I don't think it ever will be connected again ... I think we are going to go without the baby monitor now," Gilbert told ABC News.

Hackers targeting webcams on laptops and other computers is nothing new. The uber-creepy (not to mention illegal) practice, known as "ratting," was well documented in an Ars Technica article published in March. But baby monitors? That's enough to make us fear the boogeyman again.



As we can see by the above and below stories - brainwashing the public to accept gross invasions of privicy - 99 to 1 is bad, bad, bad!

And since Government is usually in on what terror is permitted to be inflicted on Americans, I say shut it all down.  Take a stand against invasion of privacy.  Was'nt life much better long ago, when life was much simpler and little girls crotches wer'nt shone in underware ads wern't zoomed in on!  Yes, I'm talking to you hanes... perverted consumerist slut!   AhhhuuuuggggggH!  It just makes me so angry!  Oh are the police on there way now because I have expressed myself over a serious ethical wrong.  Who will help me while I rot in a fema camp with no 4th amendment rights which have been shredded by Pres. Obama, while rapists further destroy and rape my children.


MIT: Future Smartphones Will ‘Listen to Everything All the Time


Ubiquitous surveillance to “detect your moods,” “pinpoint the sources of your stress,” and “present relevant information”

content taken from; Paul Joseph Watson  August 14, 2013

The development of new smartphone technology that constantly records your private conversations in addition to all ambient background noise in order to “detect your moods” could mean the NSA might not have to bother with tapping actual phone calls at all in future.


report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hails the era of “technologies that emphasize listening to everything, all the time,” ubiquitous surveillance aided by microphones installed on new smartphones, such as Google’s Moto X, that do not run off the main battery and can, “continually monitor their auditory environment to detect the phone owner’s voice, discern what room or other setting the phone is in, or pick up other clues from background noise.”

While the article fails to mention the nightmare privacy implications that this technology would engender, it focuses on the innumerable apparent benefits. The technology could, “make it possible for software to detect your moods,"  It could also be used to “pinpoint the sources of your stress” if you are talking too quickly, or “present relevant information” in relation to your audio environment (in other words bombard you with commercials).  Maybe it could send the police directly to you if your having a bad day!

It sounds like BIg Brother and invasive Minority Report-style advertising rolled into one.

Isn’t it enough that the NSA can already read every email we send, snoop on every private Facebook message and eavesdrop on every Skype call? Now we’re opening the door to government to have a transcript of our every private auditory interaction? None of this is even addressed in the MIT piece.

Only in the final paragraph of the article does it admit that “people skittish about surveillance” might have a problem with any of this.

A respondent to the article summed up such concerns, commenting, “I am not my phone. I do not want a phone that thinks it is me, nor even that thinks it understands me. My phone is a tool. It is not my friend. It is not my assistant. It is a tool. It is MY tool. It is not the tool of advertisers nor data collectors nor the government.”

It’s little wonder that former CIA Director David Petraeus last year hailed the arrival of “the Internet of things,” a new era of “clandestine tradecraft” that will grease the skids for ubiquitous eavesdropping.

With virtually every consumer product now being connected to the Internet and with smartphones set to become a permanent Big Brother in our pocket, there’ll be little need to plant a bug on anyone in future since we’re voluntarily doing it to ourselves.

McCain: Border patrol's housing costs 'disgraceful.

Bob OrtegaThe Arizona RepublicAugust 16, 2013

Members of Arizona’s congressional delegation are seeking answers from the Department of Homeland Security on why Customs and Border Protection spent about $15 million for housing in the former mining town of Ajo, Ariz.

At a town hall meeting Tuesday in Tucson, in response to questions about the housing, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said, “It’s disgraceful.” Asked by a constituent how it could be justified, he replied, “It can’t. It can’t be; and people should be fired.”

As The Arizona Republic reported Monday, CBP paid more than $600,000 each to build 21 modest homes for its personnel in Ajo, a small southern Arizona town where similar-size homes typically cost less than $100,000. CBP also paid more than $2 million to buy 20 park-model trailer homes and lease land on which to park them. The housing project opened in February.




U.S. Army Buys Nearly 600,000 Soviet AK-47 Magazines


Kit Daniels  August 16, 2013

Each fully loaded, magazines combined hold almost 18,000,000 rounds.

The U.S. Army is buying almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or NATO.






This Is The Biggest Cluster Of Hindenburg Omens Since The Last Stock Market Crash


Michael Snyder Economic Collapse August 14, 2013

Source: US NAVY, via Wikimedia Commons

Are we heading for a major stock market decline?  Warnings about a crash of the financial markets are quite common these days, and usually they don’t materialize.  But this time may be different.  A number of top analysts are pointing out the fact that the biggest cluster of “Hindenburg Omens” has appeared since the last stock market crash.  And those that have studied this insist that the more “Hindenburg Omens” there are in a cluster, the stronger the signal is.

Black Citizens Group Files ‘Articles of Impeachment’ Against Obama

A conservative black citizens group has filed lengthy and detailed articles of impeachment against Barack Obama, calling for the President to be removed from office over NSA spying, prosecution of whistleblowers, wiretapping of journalists, the torture program as well as the Benghazi cover-up.

Despite the fact that the Florida-based National Black Republican Association (NBRA) associates itself with the GOP, a number of the articles of impeachment refer to activities undertaken by the Obama administration that have been supported by establishment Republicans, such as mass NSA surveillance, the illegal torture program and the treatment of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.

Marine Corps Colonel: Homeland Security Building “Domestic Army”



A former Marine Corps Colonel who was stationed in Fallujah and trained

Iraqi soldiers warns that the Department of Homeland Security is working

with law enforcement to build a “domestic army,” because the federal

government is afraid of its own citizens.


The comments by the Colonel Peter Martino were made during public

testimony at a Concord City Council meeting on Tuesday. The meeting

concerned a decision on whether to accept a $260,000 Homeland

Security grant on behalf of the Central New Hampshire Special Operations

Unit to purchase a BearCat armored vehicle.

The purchase of the vehicle has been surrounded by controversy after the

city’s Police Chief wrote in an application filing to the DHS that the vehicle

was needed to deal with the “threat” posed by libertarians, sovereign citizen

adherents, and Occupy activists in the region.


Referencing signs in the crowd which read “More Mayberry, Less Fallujah,” the Colonel spoke of how he didn’t even have armored vehicles when he was stationed in Fallujah.


Martino’s role as a Ministry of Defense coordinator was to command, train and equip the Iraqi Army, noting that he helped do everything he could “to make it as strong as possible,” but that “Homeland Security would kick their butts in a week.”

Stressing that it was unlawful and unconstitutional to use US troops on American soil, the Colonel warned, “What’s happening here is we’re building a domestic military,” adding that police are now “wearing the exact same combat gear that we had in Iraq, only it was a different color.”

Martino warned that the DHS was following military tactics by, “pre-staging gear and equipment” in order to build a “domestic army” while shrinking the US military “because the government is afraid of its own citizens.”

The Colonel slammed the idea of law enforcement purchasing militarized vehicles for domestic security, noting, “The last time more than ten terrorists were in one place at the same time was September 11th and all these vehicles in the world wouldn’t have prevented it nor would it have helped anybody.”

“I don’t know where we’re going to use this many vehicles or this many troops,” he continued, “Concord is just one cog in the wheel – we’re building an army over here and I can’t believe that people aren’t seeing it – is everybody blind?”




History: Nazi world "rules" since the begining of time.

Illuminati behind Nazi's.Colonel's Wife's confessions

What means do "We the People" have availible to U.S. to defend themselves?

1. The Constitution... Obama has stripped U.S. of "Our Constitution" in the name of, "the war on terror!"

1. Arms and amunitions...  Obama is stripping all U.S.of their arms and illegally selling them to anyone UN-American!



The Name Of Jesus Has Become A Dirty Word In Politically Correct America

God is Illegal in the Military, our Public Schools and the Boy Scouts

Government Report: TSA Corruption, Misconduct Soaring .​

Up 26% in three years; no consistency in disciplining thieves, molesters, and those neglecting security.

Social Security Administration Now Hiring for Counterintelligence Operations

The Social Security Administration now wants to hire specialists in “counterintelligence operations” as the federal government creates overarching plans to change the public’s opinions and behaviors.

Pentagon Has Awarded Contracts To Al-Qaeda In Afghanistan


Image: Report suggests al Qaeda militants are being awarded US contracts

A new independent report reveals that lucrative U.S. military contracts have been granted to militant groups in Afghanistan with direct connections to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

The report, submitted to Congress by the U.S. Army Suspension and Debarment Office, states that American officials are citing “due process rights” as a reason not to cancel the agreements with the extremists.

A Bloomberg article quotes John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, who notes:

“I am deeply troubled that the U.S. military can pursue, attack, and even kill terrorists and their supporters, but that some in the U.S. government believe we cannot prevent these same people from receiving a government contract,”

It’s Official, Everyone Is Now A Terrorist According to The US Government

It’s official, every single American can now be classified as a terrorist by the US government. The label of ‘terrorist’ no longer applies to members of al-Qaeda of ‘extremists’, but the average citizen of this nation.

And I can show you how literally 100% of the population can be classified as a terrorist under the truly outrageous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI characteristics that define a terrorist or terrorist activity. These broad qualifications of ‘terrorism’ that have spawned a new wave of absolute paranoia within the population regarding their fellow citizens, who the nightly news says may be sleeper cell terrorists.

Here are qualifications of a terrorist in the United States under the Department of Homeland Security and FBI guidelines.

‘Terrorists’ Pay With Cash

‘Terrorists’ Care About Privacy

‘Terrorists’ Complain About Tap Water

How the NSA Manipulates Language To Mislead The Public

When it comes to discussing government surveillance, U.S. intelligence officials have been using a vocabulary of misdirection—a language that allows them to say one thing while meaning quite another.


It’s no wonder, that “Big Brother” and the “Party” in George Orwell’s 1984 emphasize language in order to exert mind control on the population of Oceania with tactics such as “doublespeak” and “Newspeak.” After all, if we lose the ability to use language to effectively communicate with one another, what do we have left?

Gold Markets Get Strange – Is Economic Danger Near?

Traditionally, metals markets are supposed to be a solid fundamental signal of the physical and psychological health of our overall economy. Steady but uneventful commodities trade meant a generally healthy industrial base and consumption base. An extreme devaluation was a signal of deflation in consumer demand and a flight to currencies. Extreme price hikes meant a flight from normal assets and currencies in the wake of possible hyperinflation. This is how gold and silver markets were originally designed to function – however, I welcome you to the wacky world of 2013, where bad financial news is met with the cheers of investors who believe stimulus will last forever, where foreign investors dump the U.S. dollar in bilateral trade while mainstream dupes argue that the Greenback is invincible, and where everyone and their uncle seems to be buying precious metals yet the official market value continues to plunge.





Scientists urge Obama to investigate ethical issues raised by creating highly infectious bird-flu

Steve Connor  


A group of leading scientists has urged President Obama’s advisers to investigate the ethical issues raised by a decision to create a highly infectious strain of bird-flu virus that could be transmitted easily between people.

The scientists, who include a former UK Government chief scientist and a Nobel laureate, said that it is “morally and ethically wrong” to create a new type of influenza virus in the laboratory that is more lethal and transmissible than what actually exists in nature.

Two teams of flu researchers – led by Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam and Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison – announced in 2011 that they had succeeded in mutating the H5N1 avian virus so that it could in theory be transmitted through the air between people.






Welcome to Post-Constitution America: The Weapons of War Come Home

Peter Van Buren
Ron Paul Institute
Aug 8, 2013

On July 30, 1778, the Continental Congress created the first whistleblower protection law, stating “that it is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States to give the earliest information to Congress or other proper authority of any misconduct, frauds, or misdemeanors committed by any officers or persons in the service of these states.”

Two hundred thirty-five years later, on July 30, 2013, Bradley Manning was found guilty on 20 of the 22 charges for which he was prosecuted, specifically for “espionage” and for videos of war atrocities he released, but not for “aiding the enemy.”

Days after the verdict, with sentencing hearings in which Manning could receive 136 years of prison time ongoing, the pundits have had their say. The problem is that they missed the most chilling aspect of the Manning case: the way it ushered us, almost unnoticed, intopost-Constitutional America.







New revelations: Germany sends ‘massive amounts’ of phone, email data to NSA

Aug 8, 2013

Germany’s BND intelligence service sends “massive amounts” of intercepts to the NSA daily, according to a report based on Edward Snowden’s leaks. It suggests a tight relationship has been developed between the two agencies – which the BND claims is legal.






Unhappy With U.S. Foreign Policy? Pentagon Says You Might Be A ‘High Threat.


Airlift destined for ‘Cocaine Capital of the World’ “shrouded in secrecy”

Paul Joseph Watson
August 7, 2013

The US Air Force recently airlifted nearly 24 tons of cocaine from Costa Rica to Miami, the cocaine capital of the world, in a program described as being “shrouded in secrecy”.


Image: Wikimedia Commons

According to the Costa Rica Star, a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III out of Dover Air Force Base landed at the Daniel Oduber Quiros International Airport (LIR) on Saturday July 27, loaded almost 24 tons of cocaine in pallets and then set off for its ultimate destination of Miami, but not before stopping in Nicaragua and Honduras.

The US Air Force agreed to transport the cocaine after a successful Costa Rican program that was destroying 300 kilos of the drug an hour had to be suspended because of a broken incinerator.

Following the airlift, Costa Rica’s Organization of Judicial Investigations said they would no longer authorize the transportation of cocaine to Miami and would go back to stockpiling the drug in secure warehouses.

The report cites another newspaper article which detailed how, “two magistrates at the Judicial Branch were in the dark about the U.S. Air Force arriving in Costa Rica to pick up a massive amount of cocaine,” noting that no proof of permission for the US aircraft to enter Costa Rican airspace was ever seen by legislators at the Costa Rican National Assembly. The exact identity of the Globemaster was also kept secret until further enquiry revealed it to be the “Spirit of Delaware.”

When the plane arrived, the Costa Rican consulate in Miami was supposed to confirm the delivery and destruction of the cocaine, but no such advisory has been forthcoming, although the Organization of Judicial Investigations claims the drugs were destroyed.

The US Air Force’s involvement in transporting cocaine is sure to raise eyebrows given the CIA’s previous alleged involvement in cocaine trafficking. The fact that the aircraft stopped off in Nicaragua is also noteworthy given the history of the CIA smuggling cocaine into America to fund the Contras in Nicaragua during the Reagan administration.

In April 2011, Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla, the “logistical coordinator” for the Sinaloa drug-trafficking gang that was responsible for purchasing the CIA “rendition” jet that crashed with four tons on cocaine on board back in 2007 told the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in Chicago that he had been working as a U.S. government asset for years.

According to court transcripts, Niebla was allowed to import “multi-ton quantities of cocaine” into the U.S. as a result of his working relationship with the FBI, Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Niebla’s assertion that he smuggled drugs from Mexico into the United States while working for the U.S. government adds further weight to the already voluminous body of evidence that confirms the CIA and U.S. banking giants are the top players in a global drug trade worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Such revelations were brought to light primarily by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Gary Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series of investigative reports written for the San Jose Mercury News and subsequently published as a book.

According to authorities, Webb committed suicide in 2004 despite the fact that he was found with two gunshot wounds to the head and after Webb himself had complained of death threats and “government people” stalking his home.

Time Magazine Promotes A Childless Lifestyle As The Path To The Good Life For U.S. Couples


Michael Snyder
American Dream
August 6, 2013

There is a relentless assault on the family in America today unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  For decades, the entertainment industry and the mainstream media have been portraying marriage as the time “when your fun is over” and they have been encouraging young adults to put off marriage for as long as possible.


Image: Time Magazine

So now the marriage rate in the United States is at a record low and the average age for a first marriage is at a record high.  Meanwhile, the entertainment industry and the mainstream media have been heavily promoting the philosophy that having fewer children is better, and they have been teaching our young people that abortion is a really good option if an unwanted pregnancy comes along.  The whole idea is that children are going to keep you from enjoying the kind of life that you really deserve to have.

This philosophy is taken even further in a new Time Magazine article.  The article is entitled “The Childfree Life: When having it all means not having children“, and it openly promotes a “childless lifestyle” as the path to the good life for young U.S. couples.

Bank of England facilitated sale of gold looted by Nazis after invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938.​

The Bank of England played a vital role in one of the darkest episodes in central banking history, facilitating the sale of gold looted by the Nazis after their invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938.

According to a hither to unpublished history of the BoE’s activities in and around the second world war, the UK’s central bank sold gold on behalf of the Reichsbank – which Germany’s central bank had seized from its Czech counterpart – after the UK government had frozen all Czech assets held in Britain following the Nazi invasion.



Adam Kokesh Now A Political Prisoner A U.S. Park Police SWAT team and other officers knocked on the door of his single-family home on a quiet Herndon cul-de-sac, then kicked the door in and tossed a flash grenade into the foyer as police helicopters whirled overhead, his roommates said. 










Bradley Manning cleared of 'aiding enemy' but still faces life in prison.


Bradley Manning, the US soldier who handed hundreds of thousands of classified files to WikiLeaks, faces a potential life sentence in prison despite today being cleared of helping al-Qaeda in its struggle against the US.

















































Op-ed: How Bradley Manning Changed The Fate of Whistleblowers

Soldier Bradley Manning now faces up to 136 years in prison for espionage charges.BY Victoria A. Brownworth


The most important trial in recent American history came to an end July 30 ending with a guilty verdict.

Amid the national discourse on government secrecy, surveillance and lack of executive transparency, soldier Bradley Manning, one of the most fearless whistleblowers in U.S. history, was found guilty of espionage, the most serious charge in the government’s arsenal other than treason.

"This is a dark day for freedom," Daniel Ellsberg told The Advocate a few hours after the verdict came in at Fort Meade, Md. in the two-months-long trial of the former Army intelligence specialist.

"This is a dark day for American journalism and the press. The only sliver of light is that it could have been worse–Bradley could have been convicted of aiding the enemy."

Ellsberg is himself a former U.S. military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971. He faced the same charges as Manning 42 years ago.

Manning was convicted by the judge, Col. Denise Lind, in his court marital, on 20 of 22 counts, including five counts of espionage and theft. He was acquitted of aiding the enemy— a charge tantamount to treason.

The mainstream media has focused on Manning not having been convicted of that most serious charge against him, aiding the enemy, which carried an automatic life sentence without possibility of parole. Prosecutors had argued that Manning had aided al Qaeda by revealing secret information. This argument was repeated frequently in the mainstream press as fact, rather than accusation, but Lind, who did not comment on her verdict, did not accept the government’s argument on that charge.

The charges Manning was convicted of, however, particularly that of espionage, carry sentences of up to 136 years in prison. They also, as Ellsberg notes, reconfigure things for journalists in America from now on. Who will be a whistleblower with life in prison as the outcome?

The sentencing hearing for Manning begins July 31 and is expected to last several weeks. This hearing will be like another trial in many ways. Manning’s lead attorney, David Coombs, is expected to present evidence that was disallowed during Manning’s trial — notably his client’s state of mind and the rationale for his actions. Manning has said repeatedly that he felt the public needed to know the costs of war with which he had become more and more familiar through his work as an Army intelligence analyst.

In a 10,000 word statement at his hearing in February, Manning said, "I began to become depressed with the situation that we found ourselves increasingly mired in year after year." Manning thought the public should "decide for themselves" about the costs — financial and in blood — of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was succinct when he said he hoped the release of the documents would "spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as it relates to Iraq and Afghanistan."






















The Obama administration's disturbing treatment of whistleblowers

Obama has shown a hostility to whistleblowers that exceeds that shown by President Bush. Democrats should be concerned

Paul Harris

Defenders of Obama's record on these whistleblowers point to a national security defence. Photograph: Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images


Later this month six Americans will be honoured with a Ridenhour prize which celebrates truth-telling in the public interest.

They are a varied bunch. Eileen Foster helped expose systemic fraud at America's largest mortgage provider Countywide Financial. Lt Col Daniel Davis spoke out against the top brass's portrayal of US military actions in Afghanistan while he was still a serving soldier. Author Ali Soufan wrote The Black Banners, a history of Al-Qaida. The two makers of Semper Fi – a documentary about a Marine's investigation into the death of his daughter – gets a Ridenhour for film and Congressman John Lewis – a hero of the Civil Rights struggle – gets a courage award.

All spoke out even when the forces arrayed against them were large, powerful, or questioned their motives and patriotism. That should be something that the Barack Obama administration would celebrate. After all, this is a White House that once vowed to protect whistleblowers when it drew up its transition agenda. "Such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled," the document said as Obama prepared to take power.

But that was then. This is now.

Over the past three and a half years the Obama White House has instead shown a ferocious hostility to many whistleblowers and earned itself the ire of progressive columnists like Salon's Glenn Greenwald and whistleblower defence groups like the Project on Government Oversight and the Government Accountability Project.

Danielle Brian, of the PGO, has said the US department of justice in the Obama administration "sent a clear of message of fear and intimidation" to whistleblowers in the national security field. This is how the GAP's Jesselyn Raddack – herself a former whistleblower at the DoJ – put it: "While the Bush administration treated whistleblowers unmercifully, the Obama administration has been far worse. It is actually prosecuting them," she wrote recently.

To do that it is using the bluntest of tools: the Espionage Act, a first world war-era law intended to combat the threat from spies, not internal dissenters. So far six whistleblowers have been charged under the draconian law with the last one – CIA veteran John Kiriakou – being indicted on 3 April.

Kiriakou, who was a counter-terrorism expert in Pakistan and helped capture senior Al-Qaida operative Abu Zubaydah, has been a vocal critic of waterboarding. He spoke to journalists and wrote a book about it, calling it torture and exposing it as a deliberate policy, rather than the actions of a few rogues. Now a hefty jail term could be his reward.

Others, from across a spectrum of government departments, include people who have exposed wrongdoing at the National Security Agency or fears at the FBI that Israel might attack Iran. Another at the state department spoke out about North Korean nukes and, of course, there is the suspected WikiLeaks source, army private Bradley Manning.

Defenders of Obama's record on these whistleblowers point to a national security defence and say they actively encourage people to speak out about wrongdoing elsewhere. Whistleblowing may be one thing, they say, but intelligence leaking is another. Every government has a right to protect its secrets. But one can also point to other areas where the Obama administration has shown a love of secrecy that should shame the Democrats who slammed President George Bush for a similar attitude.

For example, the Food and Drug Administration is being sued by current and former employees who say it started monitoring their private emails after they complained that approved medical devices might be risky. Or consider Obama's signing of a new defence law – called the NDAA – which critics have said defines illegal support of terrorists so broadly that journalists could be swept up in it by interviewing sources at radical groups. A group of writers and activists, including a Pulitzer prize-winning former New York Times reporter, have already gone to court in New York arguing the NDAA is chilling free speech around the globe.

Perhaps the Obama administration should perhaps remember who the Ridenhour prizes are named after. That is Ron Ridenhour, a Vietnam veteran who, while on active duty, investigated disturbing rumours of a terrible war crime by US soldiers. He then wrote to Congress to reveal an event that caused headlines around the world: the massacre at My Lai. Many in the Obama White House would agree that Ridenhour was a real American hero. But if he did what he did today, in Iraq or Afghanistan, just as Kiriakou has done, maybe they would prosecute him.




Title. Double click

Title. Double click.

Genetically Modified Food will kill you...

Genetically modified food has entered the food supply through secrecy and deception. Some claimed that genetically modifying the food supply could even put an end to world hunger.  The truth of the matter is that genetically modified food has been shown to sterilize the population, lead to infant mortality.

ChemTrails - 80% population reduction of earth ?

updated 2-20-2013

Yes, the real purpose of chemtrails is to cull the population. If you can get through this page 
you will have a pretty good idea of what is going on with chemtrails. It's no longer a conspiracy,
it's happening, has been for some time, and it is real. And you wonder why you are sick.

There are dozens of stories I hav'nt had time to post.  For up to the minute news

go to...



      listen and learn...    There has literally been a war on for your mind.

I travel the country compiling real news There may be weeks where this site is not updated.  defer to for your up to the minute, real life News.

Just this week the United States Government, from the Pentegon, has released statements which read that Evangical Christians are considered terrorists, that U.S Military personel will now be court marshalled and jailed for speaking about  "God." These are direct violatons of the second Amendment - In the last few years, how many of our Amendments have been violated...  All of them?!   
Today in the United States of America - sodomites are encouraged in our elementary schools, boy scouts and military but "God" is against the law!  It's black and white.  Our tax dollars are being robbed from us and being given to thoose who have in the past, and will in the future, do us great damage. 
America has just made it legal for your child to become a prostitute!  Sodimites are acceptable - God has become Illegal - Christians are being called terrorists and being threatened with jail.   I'm asking you today to make decisions.

   Good Christians - JOIN the "PRAYER SUMMIT" - COLUMBUS DAY - OCT 14, 2013



In Paris, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Iceland, Netherlands,, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Denmark and in Australia.  Millions of Christians have marched in their streets to show their support for our Lord and Savior.  Christians heading Gods words, and showing their support to their Christian Faith.  In Pakistan, families are protesting in the streets, fighting Pedifile Marriages


Let's look at statistics in France.  On February 12, 2013 The French National Assembly, a lower level of government, passed Bill 344.  Defining marriage as being an agreement between two people.  However, I say that intelligent people and we as Christians know marriage is much more than that.   Prior to the February 12 vote. On three separate days of demonstrations, Parisians, three hundred thousand to one million in numbers, rallied in the streets of central Paris to protest same sex marriage,   After the bill was passed 1.5 million people took to the streets in outrage.  In Pari, April 4 th-12th, the Bill was disgust between the French Senate.  Support in the country for same sex marriage dropped sharply by as much as 30 % just after the lower level approval.


The U.S. and France are not the only nations currently wrestling with the polarizing issue.  The United Kingdom are also weighing proposals to legalize same-sex marriage.  In the United States, the issue is now before the Supreme Court, and justices ar deliberating over the matter.  We must stand and fight, God warns. Nine states and the District of Columbia issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, including three states -- Maryland, Washington, and Maine -- where voters approved it in ballot initiatives last year. The other 41 states have specific laws blocking gays and lesbians from legally marrying.

The first same-sex couples walked down the aisle in the Netherlands in 2001. Since then, almost a dozen countries have passed laws allowing same-sex marriages and domestic partnerships, including Canada, South Africa, Belgium and Spain. In Argentina, the push to legalize same-sex marriage met with fierce opposition from the Roman Catholic Church, with Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio -- then the archbishop of Buenos Aires and now the pope -- engaging in a notorious war of words with the government over the issue. It was approved in 2010. The issue also has divided Australia, where lawmakers voted against a bill to legalize same-sex marriage last September.  As for me, as I hope you, I believe whole heatedly in God and base my thoughts and actions on Christian Values.   "And it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us.’  Deuteronomy 6:25.

In America we seem to have just thrown up our hands and all but accepted our defeats.  Or have we?  I have come across so many Christian organizations fighting the good fight and supporting it with so much crucial information.  Some of our suporters are making good progress but I see very few in the public body taking up our Lord's Fight.  Some may say, we mean well but get distracted in our search for an organized plan of action.  Maybe because were one and two parent families working 10 hours a day or more and jobs are hard to come by these days.  

We may go online to look for answers but a story about a favorite Hollywood Actor catches our attention, before we know it, our time and attention is needed else where or we just decide we cant really make a difference.  These are deliberate acts from negative forces, unbeknownst to many, serving it's very purpose.  Stand and let our country hear our voice.  

Let's look at recent headlines, our government, has given 1.6 billion of our Christian Tax Payers dollars to Egypt for a second time this year,while Egypt is allowing Christians to be killed. It was reported this morning that the CIA has been delivering $350,000.00 every week in paper bags to Afghanistan war lords every week for the last 10 years. Do you know how many of our American sons and daughters have been killed in Afghanistan or have been killed by hostiles protected by Afghanistan!  This is unacceptable.  Everyday our government is weakening and ruining the American People and Family and I don't see to many Americans taking a stand.

American Christians can not only make a difference, we can shake the very foundations of our country, of the world!  Today, the Body of Christ is like a Mighty Army that's fallen asleep. It's time to shake off those veils binding us from keeping the Great Word of God, Alive and Well!  As Apostle Paul said, "It's high time to awake out of sleep." Romans 13:11. "Wake up sleeper, rise from the dead, and God will give you Light." Ephesians 5:14  Our Christian Brothers and Sisters around the world are lighting their torches and heading Gods word, to fight the good fight.  We must stand, unleash the Lion of Judah's, Christ's, Mighty Roar in these United States.


Christian Religion's roots are planted in Faith, on granite rock.  The anti-Christ appears and fights Gods good people with misleading words, lies, distraction, claiming to be what we need?  But we are Christians, the keepers of faith.  That is why Christians, Gods keepers of faith, you and me.  We must join with each other one by one, ten thousand by ten thousand, millions by millions, at our churches, city halls, town centers.  I'm claiming a 100 Million Christians march for God!  We must be millions of people, brothers and sisters, God's Mighty People and fight Gods good fight today, next month, the month after and every day. Until we unite with God to reign in Heaven. 

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United State of America and to the republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All... this was intended to be a righteous justice.  We know right from wrong, we have been educated by God. This does not mean we pledge allegiance to unrighteous politicians. We are Americans, the land of the free, the home of the brave - let's act like it. That does not mean allowing criminals, sex deviants, drug lords, thieves, terrorists and corrupt politicians, law keepers, free reign in our country.​ 


It doesn't mean give our American's pensions and tax dollars away for free, we Do decide... enough is enough!

I invite you on Columbus Day to join me from where ever you are for a Nationwide Prayer Summit to rock our foundation solid.  To fight the good fight.  Columbus Day we stand, One Nation under God!   "Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. "  Hebrews 4:7  For the word of the Lord is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thought and attitudes of the heart.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from Gods Sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." Hebrews 4:13-14.

Sometimes it takes dire situations, to open our eyes, where all seems to be lost before we can admit humbly to God.  "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  2 Chronicles 7:14

On April 1, 2013 I read this article published on-line in "New Yorker Magazine,"  WASHINGTON D.C. (The Borowitz Report)—Justice Antonin Scalia dropped a bombshell on the Supreme Court today, announcing his decision to resign from the Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever.  Calling this week “by far the worst week of my life,” Justice Scalia lashed out at his fellow-Justices and the nation, saying, “I don’t want to live in a sick, sick country that thinks the way this country apparently thinks.”  Justice Scalia said that he had considered fleeing to Canada, “but they not only have gay marriage but also national health care, which is almost as evil.”  He said the fact that nations around the world recognizing same-sex marriage are “falling like deviant dominoes” would not deter him from leaving the United States: “There are plenty of other countries that still feel the way I do. I’ll move to Iran if I have to.”

Throwing off his robe in a dramatic gesture, Justice Scalia reserved his harshest parting shot for his fellow-Justices, screaming, “Damn you! Damn each and every one of you to hell! You call yourself judges? That’s a good one. You’re nothing but animals!”  Breathing heavily after his tirade, he turned to Justice Clarence Thomas and said, “Except you, Clarence. Are you coming with me?”  Justice Thomas said nothing in reply.  It was an April fools day joke, a parody by the publisher.  (Though from experience I will say it was probably written with the blessing of the Justice they've chosen for this print.)

All is not lost good and dear people.  But it is up to us.  In our government almost since its glorious beginnings the anti-Christ has been trying to corrupt our nation.  Our fore fathers sailed to whats now he United States, to flee corrupt Europe.  To establish a Nation that could freely live in the righteous ways of our Holy God. Day by day, bit by bit, man by man (and woman) the anti-Christ has slipped past us and used us and is bringing his agenda upon us in the slyist, ugliest of ways. Corrupting us with his influence and his power.  Here and now, our once well meaning government has weaved tangled webs in our White House through these negative influences and in their own lives. Sadly beholden to anti-Christ ways, corrupted.  We must stand and demand to be heard.  We as a nation must demand that our country return to its foundation immediately.  One Nation under God

Join me every church, every person who loves good, every Righteous America Citizen.  Stand shoulder to shoulder, in front of God and Our Nation and shout righteousness on Oct. 14, 2013.  Columbus Day.  Pay tribute to the righteous men who with great labor of love and Good Godly Hearts founded this country.  Those who have fought for this country, especially those who have laid down their lives for this country.  Have Faith in Gods Word, May Gods Will Be in You.  Glory to God. Hallelujah, AMEN.


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