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American Eagle Scout is an Organization in the United States,  just beginning and we invite you to visit us for our Launch, October 1, 2013.

We welcome all future scouts just getting started or scouts with experience in scouting, also group leaders and supporters who are displeased with your current young man's organization...  We look forward to partnering with you for the fostering of good, healthy minded encouragement of young people based on God's good principles. Instilling true and real moral and ethical values which will help young men navigate in the world today as strong and reliable citizens.

This is exciting so send us an e-mail @  AMERICANEAGLESCOUTS@AOL.COM to recieve your invatation to check out our page for our launch date on Columbus Day 2013.

We are looking for Leaders, helpers and scouts of all ages who have great moral values, uncorrupted and want to have good  moral experiences to lead a healthy good growing experience.  We are much like other scouting groups, but with healty values.

God Bless America and God Bless Our Children, Shelly.

When your young man gets involved with our scouting team  @ AMERICANEAGLESCOUTS@AOL.COM.  A great new world of experiences will open up to him in learning to make healthy social connections and choices.  Our leaders who are good and Godly minded will set great examples instilling great moral values in an amazing environment of positive community service and just plain enjoyable fun.  Our leaders are skilled in and enjoy sharing their knowledge and skills to help your young men to become a healthy contributing citizens.

Your young man will enjoy a long list of fun and exciting activities which will build character and help with navigating todays world focusing on building skills in leadership and teamwork, essential in growing up strong.  The'll feel proud through a complishment and enjoy activities where they can help make a difference in their community.  When participating in an American Eagle Scout Adventure, not only will your young man enjoy building healthy friendships  but will enjoy building kites to rockets, enjoy lots of outdoor activities and competitions, building memories and charactor that will last a lifetime.

God Bless America and God Bless Our Children, Shelly.

visit our upcoming site on October 1, 2013:


We will signing up Scout Leaders, Scouts and Parent and Pastor Helpers soon.

We will be kicking off our Scouting Troops wit a National Family Camp out Labor Day weekend 2013.  Details coming soon, save the date!

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